Buying a 4th Year Anniverary Gift

Anniversaries are an important celebratory day for a couple. When buying gifts for a couple’s anniversary, many people are confused as to what is an appropriate gift. If you are buying a present for a 4th wedding anniversary, there are many things that you can give that are innovative yet memorable.

On the list of traditional anniversary gifts, the 4th anniversary is the fruit and flower anniversary, meaning these items are supposed to be given as gifts for this particular occasion. However, other than giving a bouquet of flowers or a fruit basket, most friends and family come up short for creative ideas for this anniversary.

A neat and yummy idea comes from CC Berries. The company sells chocolate-covered strawberries imprinted with a “Happy Anniversary” message. The berries come in a beautiful gift box or tin and can be shipped virtually anywhere overnight, so it will arrive in time for the couple’s 4th anniversary celebration. Prices range from $28 to $50 and can be ordered on

Instead of a gift of fruit that will only last until the couple consumes it, why not give a tree that will grow with the couple and bear fruit for many years? Fruit trees are an excellent gift for a 4th anniversary, yet still keeps with the fruit and flower tradition. When purchasing, make sure that you pick trees that are suitable for the climate of the couple’s home where it will be planted. Also, be sure some instructions on planting and care are included in case your couple doesn’t naturally have green thumbs. A great place to order is, an online retailer of all types of plants and a tree, that guarantees its plants grow or else they will replace them the next year for free.

A year-long membership to a plant-of-the-month or flower-of-the-month club is a great idea too. The concept is fairly simple: a company will send out flowers or a plant to your couple’s home every month for a year. It’s a nice way to ensure that the couple cherishes their blossoming relationship every month of their fourth year of marriage. While there are various “month” clubs out there, (which features links for ordering flowers or plants) is a great choice.

If fruit and flowers aren’t your thing, the modern list of anniversary gifts lists the 4th wedding anniversary as the “appliance” anniversary. Appliances can be a tricky buy. Usually by a couple’s fourth anniversary, they will already have purchased or received as wedding gifts all the major appliances they need. So, unless you specifically know of something the couple needs, I suggest purchasing a “specialty” appliance as a gift that the average person probably wouldn’t have. Appliances like a yogurt maker, a pizza oven, or a wine refrigerator/cellar are great gifts for a 4th anniversary and you will be less likely to purchase something the couple already has if it is unique.

Whether you opt for something natural like a flower or a plant or you purchase an appliance for a 4th anniversary gift, be sure that you keep both the couple’s personalities and needs in mind. Careful consideration will ensure both an original and appreciated present is selected for the recipients’ fourth anniversary.

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