Buying a New Car: Research Safety First

According to FARS (Fatality Analysis Reporting System) web based encyclopedia and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there are close to 40,000 auto-related deaths each year in the United States. The Sudden death of a loved one from an automobile accident can be devastating. Due to the high rate in automobile accidents and deaths, more manufacturers are producing automobiles that are safer for drivers. In addition to ensuring the safety of drivers, manufacturers also reap the benefit of increase in sales.

Regardless of how many airbags a car has or whether it is collision proof, no automobile is completely safe. The most important safety feature of any vehicle is the driver. It is important that you never drive if you are influenced by drugs or alcohol, ill or emotionally upset, or tired. Checking your tires, lights, and fluids on a regular basis is also very important. Make sure that you keep essential items such as a first-aid kit, tool box, jumper cables and a car jack in your trunk. Most cars have a full spare tire that comes with the car, make sure it is the right size for your car and inflated. You can always check you owners manual for recommended maintenance schedules. Last but not least, all passengers in your car should always wear a seat belt. Before buying any car, make sure you do the research on that particular model. You can check buying guides and automobile magazines for references on your desired vehicle.

Instead of purchasing the car for the look and the status recognition, make the safety of yourself and others top priority. Features such as air bags, anti-lock brake systems and side impact protection are very important. Look for the small things such as right side mirrors and the safety belt system.

When shopping for cars, look for the vehicle with the most weight and size. It is no secret that damages to yourself and a small car (Toyota Prius) would be much more devastating than a collision in a mid to full size car. During test drives, make sure that you are completely comfortable with driving the car. In some new vehicles, parts of the interior design such as the windshield and roof structure can hinder your visibility.

Some cares have identical models that were built on the same manufacturer platform. However, they may be marketed by another brand. Always check the price and safety features of both cars. One car may be cheaper, but have fewer safety options.

Never settle for the first car you see. Shop around and make sure that you research all the cars that you are interested in. You should also research financing options. There are more ways to finance a car besides the dealer. Check your bank and credit union for options. Make sure you thoroughly investigate the warranty of a new vehicle. Some parts (mainly the most expensive to repair) are not serviceable under the warranty, so make sure you understand the contract before signing.

You research where your desired care ranks on the list for thefts. An alarm system is important to have when you are away from your car for long periods of time. Check to see if a “kill switch” is available for your car as well. A car cannot run at all if the “kill switch” is not connected. Following some of these guidelines and tips will help you to be much more safe when hitting the road.

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