Buying and Testing a Smoke Detector

Smoke alarms and smoke detectors save lives. But they can’t save your life if they are not working properly, or if they are still on the store shelf.
Buying a Smoke Alarm
Most discount stores have smoke detectors and smoke alarms available for less than $30. When deciding how many to buy, remember you will need at least one for each floor of your home. If you have a larger home, place one outside each bedroom as well. More expensive alarms may include more features, such as a “snooze” button for false alarms, an alarm that mimics a voice, or a blinking light that flashes when the alarm goes off.
Installing a Smoke Alarm
Smoke alarms and smoke detectors need to be placed on the ceiling, away from the kitchen or furnace, to avoid false alarms. A battery-operated alarm has a bracket that easily screws into the ceiling.. A smoke alarm or smoke detector that is “hard-wired” (runs off the electricity in your home) may require help from an electrician to install.
Testing a Smoke Alarm
Smoke alarms and smoke detectors need to be tested once a month. All smoke alarms and smoke detectors have a “test” button on them. Simply press it, and if the alarm goes off, the alarm is good. Waving cigarette smoke or a blown-out match under the detector is not a reliable method of testing. If the smoke alarm begins to “chirp” or give off short beeps, that means the battery is dead or dying. Most smoke alarms and smoke detectors take a 9-volt battery. Read the owners manual to find out what kind of battery yours needs.
Change the Clock, Change the Battery
To ensure that your smoke alarm’s battery stays in good working order, change it twice a year whether you think it needs it or not. A good way to remember to change the battery is to do it at the same time the clocks change, in the spring and fall.
Buy It, Use It, Test It
Living without a working smoke alarm or smoke detector is risking death for you and your family in case of a fire. The early warning provided by these devices can mean the difference between life and death.