CURE for Type II Diabetes

The Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch was initially pioneered for the Morbidly Obese population, to help control their weight and weight related health problems. 98% of patients who suffered from type II Diabetes enjoy a side effect from this surgery that completely cures them of this disease.
It’s not widely known, it’s not widely performed. Why? I could speculate that Pharmaceutical companies reap the financial benefit from Diabetic sufferers. I could speculate that many Physicians that specialize in Elderly care would suffer (financially) if their patient roster didn’t include Diabetics.
I’ve undergone this surgery on March 16th of this year. I was not Diabetic but I was carving a quick path there. My (BMI) Body Mass Index was between 42-43, the Morbidly Obese range. I’ve ridden the fence between overweight and morbidly obese most of my 27 years of life. With this surgery I’ve taken back what is mine. My health, my happiness, my quality of living and my future.
When I decided on WLS (Weight Loss Surgery) I was sure the Gastric Bypass (RNY or Roux-en-y) was for me. Why? Because I didn’t have all the information. I was desperate for a solution to my weight/health problems and the Gastric Bypass was performed everywhere.
Throughout my research I found a website for sufferers of Morbid Obesity, . It was full of information and people just like me who accepted me as I was and understood my driving need to be someone else. They too felt my pain. It was there, on an anonymous message board I posted my fears and struggles and hopes for the future. A faceless person responded to me and told me to, please research the DS, to come to the DS forum and talk with the others. And so I did.
Up until this point I was living in a constant state of anxiety and fear because I truly believed the RNY was my only choice for WLS. Someone showed me a different way. I wish I could thank them.
I was welcomed into the DS forum with open arms. They filled me with information and sent me links to studies performed by leading surgeons all over the world. This surgery was for me. This surgery was going to change my life! I wouldn’t have to worry about Never being able to share birthday cake with my kids again, because with the DS, I could eat REAL sugar! I was less likely to have weight regain and other complications that scared the hell out of me.
While I respect the decision to have Weight Loss Surgery and the personal decision as to which surgery is right for whom, the DS is my procedure of choice. There are many other options for WLS that I haven’t mentioned. This is just my personal experience with two of them.
Today marks my 17month post-op mark; I have lost 138 pounds and over 5 feet of fat!
My own surgeon, Dr. Michel Gagner of the Weill Cornell Medical Center, in Manhattan NY, was the first surgeon in the World to perform the DS laprascopically.
Important reference points are, and .