Cabbage Diet: Disadvantages Beyond One Week

Americans are considered the most obese population of the industrialized countries with statistics revealing chronic health conditions and illnesses are, in a large part, attributed to the American obesity factor. For many Americans, losing weight involves a daily struggle of not only exercise but also maintaining the appropriate diet regimen. When considering a program to boost the initiation of a consistent diet, many individuals turn to the Cabbage Diet. Understanding the components of the Cabbage Diet, the side effects and implications for long term use of the Cabbage Diet, versus the transition to an alternate diet, will aide many Americans in making healthy and effective food choices.
Cabbage is considered a high fiber, lower calorie food filler. Full of vitamin A, vitamin C and folate , cabbage is recommended for individuals suffering from anemia and constipation. Interesting enough, of an unknown origin, came the development of the Cabbage Diet. Considered a regimented, rigorous diet, lasting seven days, the cabbage diet boasts weight loss up to 15 pounds in one week. With cabbage as the main food staple, obese adults often turn to the Cabbage Diet optimistically seeking a quick and healthy approach to weight loss. But, is this weight loss safe?
With the Cabbage Diet, the use of cabbage, fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, tomatoes and even beef appear, at face value, to be extremely healthy. However, upon closer examination, the Cabbage Diet proves to be effective in rapid weight loss for one week at which point the diet is no longer recommended. Due to the diet’s high sodium content and mixed carbohydrate content, the diet may implicate further health deterioration through a fluctuation in blood pressure and sugar or glucose levels. For patients suffering from pre -existing cardiac conditions, or diabetes, the Cabbage Diet should not be pursued beyond a few days.
In addition to the disadvantages to those suffering from pre – exisiting health conditions, the Cabbage Diet will also cause additional symptoms such as abdominal pain, abnormal bowel movements and flatulence. Additionally, the starvation basis of the diet may leave some Cabbage dieters feeling weak and tired. Providing for a rapid weight loss, most dieters will gain the weight loss back within a few weeks unless a transition to a more appropriate diet program is pursued.
While cabbage is high in fiber and low in calories, the healthy vegetable should be consumed in moderation. Following the Cabbage Diet, religiously, will definitely prove results of significant weight loss within a week. However, to maintain appropriate health standards, upon completion of one week on the Cabbage Diet, the program should be ceased and transition to a more healthy diet and exercise program.