Cafes and Coffeehouses of San Francisco’s Mission District

THE top five cafes/coffeehouses in San Francisco’s Mission District. If you are visiting San Francisco, veer away from the typical downtown and Fisherman’s Wharf attractions and head to the Mission to see how San Franciscans live! There is no better way to witness such urbanity firsthand than at a popular cafe!

Number Five. Muddy’s at 24th Street and Valencia. As is the case with each coffeehouse on this list, Muddy’s is a fantastic place to people watch. At Muddy’s though, the scene is super casual with the regular locals simply hanging out minus any loud fashion statements. Everyone from middle-aged men in sweatpants to biker chicks in black leather jackets popular this place, where the espresso is strong, the service is quirkly but friendly, and the pastries are surely not the main attraction. Grab a windown seat or a seat on the sidewalk and watch the action at one of the cities busiest and most eccentric corners.

Number Four. Mission Creek Cafe on Valencia between 21st and Liberty. Another laid back cafe takes the fourth spot on the list. Watch out for the incredibly friendly owner and the regular who orders two poppy seed bagels with extra butter each and every morning as you head into the Mission Creek Cafe and sample their fine ogranic, free trade coffees. Mr. Lee will also be more than happy to serve you a smoothie or a fine salad or sandwich as you kick back and read a book from his stacked shelves or surf the web for free.

Number Three. Cafe Que Tal on Guerrero between 22nd and 23rd. This place is feeling the heat from our number one spot, no doubt. Rumor has it they have hired consultants to help spice up their biz. Nevertheless, Cafe Que Tal puts out some solid food for a coffeehouse and the drinks are not band either. Que Tal, as the locals call it, is the perfect place to study or get some work done when you want to be around people, but not distracted by them.

Number Two. Tartine at 18th Street and Guerrero. It was a difficult choice putting Tartine at number two instead of one. Popularity, though, seems to have taken its toll on Tartine. Since being way too popular, lines that can sometimes extend around the block are about as annoying as the slow and snooty service at this French bakery/cafe. So, how did they become number two? Well, all organic ingedients and scrumptous treats like the bread pudding and the choclate souffle cake are nice starts. You cannot beat Tartine if you are looking to indulge at a reasonable price. Everything is made fresh throughout the day and brought from the oven to the counter within seconds!

Number one. Ritual Coffee Roasters on Valencia between 21st and Hill. Since its opening just over a year ago, Ritual has become the place to see and be seen in the Mission. It is a meat market, no doubt! And it attracts everyone from yuppies to hipster cyclists and parents with little kids – quite an accomplishment in a neighborhood where such groups have been at odds in the past over issues such as gentrification. Ritual is always buzzing, though, with hot looking guys and gals checking each other out as they hover waiting to snag an open seat at tables that are shared when busy. The key, though, at Ritual is the amazing coffee, brought in from Portland, and the odd mix of staffers who become friends the moment you step up the counter.

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