Call to GLBT Authors for Submissions

The book is the first of what is anticipated to be an annual anthology featuring the best prose and poetry by the gay community for the same demographic.
The publisher is looking for creative, original prose and poetry by and for a gay, lesbian, bi, transgender, and gay audience.
Each submission will be reviewed and considered based on creativity, originality, concept, and style. The publisher is not looking for pornography or graphic erotica. A photo and bio may also be included and manuscripts will not be returned.
Deadline for submission is Dec. 31st.
Prose word limit is 2,000 words and poetry is up to 40 lines. Authors may submit up to two pieces of prose or five poems. Authors retain all rights to their work and they may buy additional books below cover price after publication as long as supplies last. Pre- and post-publication prices include shipping charges. Hard copies must be submitted on white paper only and no email submissions are accepted.
Entries will be selected by Gregory A. Kompes and the book will be published in May.
The cover page should include the title, byline, word count, full name, address, phone, and email address.
The body format should have a header with last name, title, and page number, 1 inch margins, be double-spaced in 12 point Times New Roman, or Currier New Font. Include your bio of up to 150 words as the last page of your submission and send a self-addressed stamped envelope.
Mail submissions to: Gregory A. Kompes, The Queer Collection, Fabulist Flash Publishing, Box 570368, Las Vegas, NV 89157.
For more information, go to or email