Calming a Fussy Baby

Having a colicky baby or constant whiner in your home is no fun. By stimulating each of your baby’s senses, you will be equipped with a full arsenal of techniques to calm your cranky infant.

Touch stimulates receptors in the brain that calm your baby and make him feel secure. Try infant massage, swaddling your baby in a blanket, keeping baby close to your body in a front infant carrier, or wearing your baby in a sling.

Rhythmic motion mimics the experience of being in the womb, which is very calming for newborns. After all, your infant was rocked in your womb for nine months! Peruse garage sales or flea markets for a used rocking chair or mechanical infant swing. Some infants prefer the rocking motion over the stationary placement in a crib. Pick up your baby and dance. When all else fails, pack up your baby and take a ride in the car or stroller.

Sucking, for babies, is an innate survival instinct which switches on a calming reflex in your baby’s brain. Be sure to have a pacifier on hand. Nursing or bottle feeding may provide more than nutrition for a cranky baby. Thumb sucking is okay at this stage and should not be discouraged. If you prefer, let your infant suck on your fingers after thorough hand washing.

Sound helps your baby shut out environmental stimuli that are annoying her. Too much stimulation can signal a baby melt-down. Some infants are overwhelmed by the rush of stimuli in their environment and only know how to adapt by crying. Put on some soft music to relax your infant. White noise such as a hair dryer or fan may help drown out the multiple other noises. CDs are available for purchase that have calming, relaxing sounds such as waves crashing on the shore. Shusing in your baby’s ear may also comfort her.

Visual stimuli give your baby something to focus on when the world seems overwhelming. Try an overhead mobile in her crib with black and white patterns to catch baby’s attention. A colorful toy or change of scenery might be all she needs. Some babies just get bored. A made-for-babies videotape, such as the Baby Einstein videos, are mentally and visually stimulating for babies.

Whether your baby has colic or just an occasional bout of crankiness, try some of these tips and keep track of what works for you.

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