Can You Over-Exercise?

Have you ever asked yourself, “What are the signs of overexercising?” You might think about whether your exercise workout leaves you fatigue or energized. If you feel that you need a nap afterward, you may want to slow down some. In addition, if your legs feel heavy afterward, your muscles or arms may have not had enough time to recharge.

I know that after I walk for about an hour, I feel really good. I initially started walking 20 minutes and increased it to an hour or sometimes 2 hours when I am feeling really good. Physically I feel great afterward. I can safely say that I do not overexercise.

Over training may depend on your level of training. You could just take an extra aerobic class and that might just be one too many for you. In addition, consider giving your body some down time. Remember your body is not a machine. Even a machine does have down time.

If you are regularly sore for days at a time, you could be overdoing your exercise routine. Also, did you know that one of the major benefits of highly intense exercise is that it it allows your body to produce the human growth hormone. Once you become fit, you don’t need the frequent spurts of growth hormone.

If you are not careful exercise can become and addiction. Those that have exercise addictions think that a two-hour run makes them four times as healthy. In reality less is better, because 30 minutes a day of moderate physical exercise helps prevent diabetes, high blood pressure, and much more.

Did you know that over exercising can weaken your immune system? If you over-train too long it can takes months for your body to recover and you can put your health at risk. Balance is so important when exercising. When your body needs a break, be sure to take it.

According to Teen Web, MD., 90% of women who have bulimia, exercise to compensate for binge eating. Do you know someone that does this? In addition, symptoms of exercise compulsion may include insomnia, lethargy, and fatigue. You always want to be careful of insomnia. Exercise overload may cause you sleeping problems. So again, be careful and balance how much you are exercising.

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