Can You Really Be Deeply Hypnotized?

Have you ever wondered if the theory of hypnotism was a real practice and not just a scam? So many people claim to have been deeply hypnotized to quit smoking or to cure a certain phobia, but it’s always one of those things that you aren’t quite sure you buy unless you see it for yourself. Well, I had occasion to finally see it for myself a little while ago and let me assure you now that it is definitely possible for some people, many people at that, to be deeply hypnotized.
I was a huge skeptic of people who claimed to be deeply hypnotized until I attended my first hypnotism show at the Comedy Connection comedy club in Faneuil Hall, Boston, Massachusetts. The theme of the night, the same them that had gained so much popularity that they managed to sell the place out every single Thrusday, was entitled “Frank Santos- The X Rated Hypnotist”. And that is most certainly what he was. To temporarily ignore the fact that Frank Santos, the host and hypnotist himself, seems to be quite the pervert, the guy truly knows his practice. I’ve now seen the show possibly eight times (as I am constantly trying to share this amazement of the reality of it with each new person I meet who hasn’t been) and there is no doubt in my mind that this guy really does know how to and did in fact deeply hypnotize a group of people on stage consistently at each of those shows I attended. And the extent to which these people were so deeply hypnotized was absolutely astounding and when you throw in Frank’s trademark X-Rated content, it makes for a very hilarious and amazing show.
If you are fascinated in the theory of being deeply hypnotized or simply want to see a funny show one night while in Boston, I definitely recommend seeing Frank Santos’s show. As long as you can handle profanity and slightly perverse discussions and actions that might make some people feel awkward, you will most likely have a blast and laugh your ass off.
The people that Frank Santos deeply hypnotizes are volunteers. In the beginning of the presentation, he calls anyone onto the stage that wishes to be deeply hypnotized. Much to my surprise, there are usually over twenty people or so that want to give it a shot. What he does next is silences the audience and plays some trance-y music while saying such stereotypical hypnotizor things such as “Concentrate on the sound of my voice,” and “You are getting very sleepy, you can hardly open your eyelids.” It’s fun to sit in the audience and try to guess which people are really falling into the deep hypnotized state. He has some special way of distinguishing between the fakers and the really deeply hypnotized people though, because often times that group of twenty is narrowed down to about seven. He then sits them all on stage in a row facing the audience and after making them sleep for a few minutes to really put them under, he wakes them up beginning with a declaration that each participant took a happy pill that makes them feel giddy and drunk. He then calls on a couple people to come up to the microphone and literally they are falling over and giggling like crazy. His shows vary in context from time to time but many things are repeated. I don’t want to give the entire show away, but just a handful of examples, frank plays with the people that are deeply hypnotized by making them do anything from getting their tongue stuck to their chin to forgetting their name right down to the more risquÃ?© things like watch their breasts triple in size, make guys think they lost their penis and present each contestant with the sensation that they are having the best orgasm they’ve ever had in their life. All of this on stage in front of a large group of at least one hundred people. How these people would have the guts to go up there to be deeply hypnotized after seeing what happens in the show before is beyond me. How embarrassing it would be.
And let me tell you, these deeply hypnotized people put on quite the show. They get wild and hilarious and women that appear to be shy and taciturn suddenly expose this wild aggressive, seductive side to them and totally go crazy. After every little event it seems, I must mention, that Frank instructs them to feel more and more horny when he taps his forehead. The participants literally go so far as to writhe around in there seats, touch themselves in what they think is a discreet manner, forgetting they are in front of an audience and scream and moan. Don’t get me wrong, Frank keeps it in control enough to not make someone do something totally humiliating and possibly illegal like strip their clothes off or say really really vulgar and offensive things but sex is definitely the theme.
This is such an astounding experience that even during the shows one gets the tendency to try and figure out if these people are for real or just faking. But a couple times ago when I attended the Frank Santos X-Rated hypnotist show, one of our male friends went up and he most definitely was hypnotized. He didn’t remember anything afterwards and was just very sleepy and out of it for awhile. This is one crazy way of the mind, it truly is. One thing that is good and most importantly, more ethical, is that apparently according to Frank Santos, who is the expert after all, when you are deeply hypnotized you may express yourself and be more aggressive and open than you would be in a normal sober frame of mind, but under the deep hypnotism, your mind would never allow you to do something that you would never do under any circumstances in your ‘waking’ life. So that is comforting, and almost tempts me to try and get on that stage one day just to see what it’s like but this hypnotizing stuff, at least when Frank Santos is in charge, is strikingly legitimate and my self consciousness would get the best of me anytime I even tried to walk on stage. So instead I continue to go see the show occasionally when an old friend comes to town to visit or if there’s nothing else to do and I laugh and simultaneously blush on behalf of these sexually explicit participants; I watch as I sit back with a couple drinks and enjoy the show, now a true believer.