Canadian Journalist Insults American Voters

Our neighbor to the North, a walk-in freezer otherwise known as Canada, has produced its share of silly things, such as national socialized medicine and economic policies, which have resulted in its proven inability to manage its own economy. How a nation so rich in natural resources can remain an economic disaster area has remained one of the great mysteries of the modern era. Until, that is, a commentator for the state-owned Canadian Broadcasting Company gave us a look inside the racist, elitist, mindset of the Canadian Government.

The mouthpiece in question, an unknown commentator named Heather Mallick, demonstrates the mindset of Canada with her recent (September 6, 2008) comments concerning Republican Part Vice-Presidential nominee Sarah Palin and that sector of the American people that she describes “white trash.”

Of Sarah Palin, Mallick writes:

“She added nothing to the ticket that the Republicans didn’t already have sewn up, the white trash vote, the demographic that sullies America’s name inside and outside its borders yet has such a curious appeal for the right.”

And further:

“Palin has a toned-down version of the porn actress look favoured by this decade’s woman, the overtreated hair, puffy lips and permanently alarmed expression. Bristol (sic) has what is known in Britain as the look of the teen mum, the “pramface.” Husband Todd looks like a roughneck; Track, heading off to Iraq, appears terrified. They claim to be family obsessed while being studiously terrible at parenting. What normal father would want Levi ‘I’m a f….n’ redneck’ Johnson prodding his daughter?”

Mallick makes other, equally-offensive, comments regarding any woman that would dare have a family life or support views inconsistent with her enlightened pronouncements as well as declaring that one’s geographic location determines your social value.

Herr Eichmann would have been proud.

Why do I accuse the Canadian Government of racism? By using the same logic as many of Mallick’s like-minded “liberals” down here the uncivilized United States, I deduce

1) the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation is an agent of the Canadian Government and;

2) Heather Mallick made statements that meet the accepted definiton of racist, then

3) the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, and by extension the Canadian Government, by assisting in making her remarks public, endorses her position and is therefore racist!

Don’t like my logic, Mallick? Then stop judging me by my accent and where I was born!

Of course my logic is faulty. But this is this same faulty logic that politicians on both sides of the border use to pit one “group” against another because that’s the way politicians, and their stooges such as Mallick, operate: get power and then do everything necessary to hold onto that power! If you have to resort to racism, so what? All’s fair in love, war, and politics isn’t it?

As for me, I’m swearing off any product that contains the words “Canada” or “Canadian” on its label. I invite the readers to do the same.

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