Candle Colours and Correspondances

Colour is energy and can be used in healing by applying them to areas of the body. The chakras can be opened, balanced or healed, using colours. Prisms create rainbows of colour in dots, triangles and bands, and your body absorbs the colours which it is lacking. Different vibrations of light are required by your body for it to survive.

Prisms can be just as magickal as any gem or stone because of their properties of refracting light to create colour. Each colour vibrates at a different speed… red for instance, is the fastest vibrating colour and violet, the slowest. Violet, therefore, tends to calm the nervous system. The human brain can utilise the various vibrations of waves of light for healing, meditation and magickal work. This use of colour falls under the heading of ‘Practical Magick’, as it is the employment of the element, light.

Each colour stands for a particular principle/set of principles and values, and this list of colours and their properties can be used for both colour and candle magick.


Element of Fire, energy, strength, passion, courage, career goals, fast action, lust, blood of the moon, vibrancy, driving force, love, survival.


Business goals, property deals, ambition, career goals, general success, justice, legal matters, selling, attraction.


Passion, money goals, professional growth, career manoevres, fertility in business.


Wealth, the God, promote winning, safety and power of the male, happiness, playful humour.


The Sun, intelligence, accellerated learning, memory, logical imagination, clearing mental blocks, selling yourself, well being, intuition.


Romantic love, planetary goodwill, healing of emotions, peace, affection, romance, partnerships of emotional maturity, caring, nurturing.


Earth Mother, Earth Element, physical healing, money success, abundance, fertility, plant and tree magick, growth, Green Man, personal goals.


Element of Water, good fortune, opening blocked communication, wisdom, protection, spiritual inspiration, spiritual healing, calm, reassurance, gently moving, creativity, memory.


Influencing people in higher places, third eye, psychic ability, spiritual powers, self-assurance, hidden knowledge, wisdom.


The Goddess, telepathy, clairvoyance, psychometry, intuition, dreams, astral energies, female power, communication.


Influence friendships, special favours, tree spirits/


Protection, repelling negativity, hex-breaking, binding, shape shifting.


The Goddess, spirituality, peace, higher self, purity, virginity, (as in the woman’s mind, is owned by no man), a substitute for any other colour, white reflects any colour.

Candles are associated with the fire element. They speak a magickal language, the words being expressed by the flickering and dancing of the candle flame, the billowing of the smoke, and the popping of the hot wax. Candles chatter, and the direction of the flame denote magickal communication. Therefore, they are almost always used in magick.

There are planetary influences; whether the moon is waxing, full, or waning; there is the day of the week… certain days are better to do the kind of magick you are looking for. There is also Moon Void Of Course. When the Moon is void of course, do not do any magick. If you want to do a simple candle magick, the most important thing would be the phase of the moon and the void of course, and finding the right type of oil or combination of oils that you will need.

It is better to dress the candles, which means applying the right type of oil, and/or writing out on your candle what you want from the magick. Catalyst herbs need to be in all spells. You need to use catalyst herb/oil along with your intended oil to send it off, to activate it. But just a pinch or drop or so of oil. Some are listed below.

Dragons Blood

This herb should be used in all spells. Whatever you put in, you get out.


This is good for money.


For psychic work and love spells.


For love and psychic work,


This is good for love and prosperity.


With flower power (feminine).


Calming, sleep inducing, pleasant dreams.


Another great oil which gives added power to any oil.

If you are interested in candle magick, some research is required. There are plenty of online places to buy your oils and candles and also informatory sites. You need to read a lot and get everything just right. Enjoy the power of fire and candlelight.

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