Can’t Afford School Clothes for Your Kids?

It’s important for kids to have new clothes before school starts. Kids of all ages want new school clothes that are in-style and fashionable because new clothes give kids a feeling of self-assurance. When kids feel confident about their appearance they’re more likely to succeed. New school clothes give kids of all ages the extra boost of self-confidence they need.

Parents want to give their kids the new clothes they want and need, but unfortunately, not all parents can afford to buy new school clothes for their kids. If you can’t afford new school clothes for your kids, there are ways to get your kids the trendy clothes they want for little or no cost. Don’t let your financial situation stop you from getting your kids the clothes they need and want.

The following information provides ideas for parents who can’t afford new school clothes for their kids. If you’re a parent who can’t afford new school clothes for your kids, don’t despair. You can give your kids the school clothes they want at a price you can afford. Secondhand clothing is usually very reasonably priced, and there are a number of ways to obtain clothes for free.

Don’t worry about used clothing looking worn, stained, or outdated. Kids grow faster than the styles change, and there are generous people willing to give away gently used articles of clothing they no longer need.

If you can’t afford school clothes for your kids, there are generous strangers willing to help. is a wonderful free service for those searching for specific items, and for those generous enough to give those items away. Use the handy search tool at to search your locale for gently used clothing for kids. Besides searching for the clothes you can’t afford, post a request for specific sizes. You’ll be amazed at the response you’ll get from kindhearted people willing to give away kids clothes that are taking up space in their closets.

Contact Your Kid’s School

Don’t be embarrassed to ask for help. You aren’t the only parent who can’t afford new school clothes. Before the start of school, contact a school official to explain your situation. Ask if they have any suggestions or ideas for obtaining school clothes. The school might even have donated items they’re ready to give away.

Check With Your Local Food Pantry

Even if you’ve never contacted your local food pantry for assistance, they might be able to help you obtain the school clothes you can’t afford. Food pantries provide more than food. They often have a large selection of used clothing and other items, free for those in need. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. You won’t get the help you need until you do.

Local Churches

Churches don’t just provide help to their members. Their doors are always open to those who can’t afford the necessities of life; so don’t hesitate to call local churches to request clothing assistance. Most churches are willing to post needs and requests in their weekly bulletins, and they do so without divulging the names of those requesting help. Your kids will probably end up with more than enough trendy clothes they’ll absolutely love, and some of them might be brand new.

Salvation Army or Goodwill Assistance

Many people are under the impression that the Salvation Army and Goodwill only help those who are completely destitute. Call your local Salvation Army and Goodwill store. Explain your financial situation, and find out if there are any programs available to those who can’t afford school clothes for their kids. Many charities such as Goodwill and the Salvation Army offer low-income families the chance to come in and choose outfits for school that are trendy, stylish, and free of charge.

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