Capturing Great Photos of Your Cat or Dog

Photographing a pet can be a real challenge. Pets don’t understand the concept of holding still for a camera. They’re as uncooperative as children when it comes to sitting still or posing. Given a chance, they’ll more often than not, run away and hide until the camera is out of hand. Don’t get discouraged or frustrated if you have a few failed attempts at photographing your beloved pet. By applying the following tips and suggestions, before long you’ll be happy with your photos and feel like a pet photography professional.

Photographing Your Cat

Cats can be one of the hardest subjects to photograph. The best cat photos happen merely by chance. Cats don’t generally like being picked up and posed. They can turn on a “cattitude” faster than you can say, “smile for the birdie.”

Take your time and wait for your cat to jump up to her favorite resting place. Some of the best cat photos are obtained when a cat is in a relaxed position. Snap photos while she’s stretching, lying on her back, or curled up in a cozy ball.

If you want a cat to remain still while you attempt to take a picture, place him or her in the center of a glass tabletop. The clear table will confuse the cat, and it will simply become immobilized. Back up to the proper distance, and get down on the cat’s level. As she sits there frozen, call her name, and when she looks up, snap a quick picture. Hopefully she won’t look like a deer caught in the headlights.

Try to get a few actions shots by tempting your cat with new toys. A catnip mouse suspended on a stretchy cord in a doorway usually provides some hilarious action shots. You can also try having someone tantalize your kitty with a long piece of yarn. If your cat takes the bait, you’ll have a chance at some great pouncing action.

Photographing Your Dog

Dogs are natural hams. Sometimes it seems as if a dog knows he is having his picture taken and he appears to be smiling for the camera. In reality he is probably admiring his owner.

If your dog sees you approaching, chances are he will walk up to greet you. He’ll more than likely come up too close to get a good picture. The best time to get relaxation shots of your dog is right after a meal. After your dog eats his daily meal, if he understands basic commands, in a pleasant voice, command him to sit on his favorite cushion, rug, or another comfortable location. If he starts to come toward you or leave, command him to stay. Hopefully you’ll have the perfect opportunity to take the perfect picture of your dog.

If your dog likes to play catch with either a ball or a frisbee, you can get some wonderful action shots. Have a helper play a game of catch with your dog while you stand off to the side. If you’re outdoors, and you more than likely will be while playing catch, make sure the sun is positioned behind you or off to one side. Late dawn or early dusk shots are great because the sun isn’t too bright at those times.

If you want to get shots of your dog running toward you, have someone take the dog a distance away. Make sure you are in a good location according to the position of the sun, and call your dog. When the dog is released, get ready to take a picture or two as he approaches. Command him to sit and then snap your fingers. If he provides a canty expression, snap another picture or two.

These tips and suggestions will help you take professional quality photos of your dog or cat that will provide permanent memories. You’ll be able to capture his or her happiest moments and be able to keep that pet forever in your heart as well as your mind, every time you open your family photo album.

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