Car Dealerships in Waverly, Ohio

One would wonder if a small town like Waverly, Ohio, population 4,500, would offer any choices in car dealerships. Happily, this can be answered with a positive yes.

Actually Waverly houses three decent size car dealerships, which matches in size to some of those found in bigger cities like Columbus and Chillicothe, Ohio. It also has some smaller mom and shop type of car dealers, too. But it is the big dealers that draws in most people, even from other cities.

The first one is Vallery Ford of Waverly. This is the founding dealership in Waverly. It was founded by a Clarence H. Vallery, who even has a downtown building dedicated to him. The Vallery family has passed this dealership down through three generations. A Cassie Wiltburger is the now the owner on record. Yet, the Vallery grandsons still play a huge part in this dealership.

Vallery Ford deals in both used and new vehicles. As the name states, Ford, is the vehicle of choice, yet you can find other makes and models in their used section. They also have an site garage that specializes in Ford vehicles.

Vallery Ford is located at 115 W . Emmitt Avenue, Waverly, Ohio. Their phone number is 740-947-7565.

The second largest dealership in Waverly is Hunters, Chrysler, Dodge and Jeep. They also have new and used vehicles. Their newer vehicles are generally made by Chrysler, Dodge or Jeep and their on site garage also primarily work on these types of vehicles.

Hunters is owned by a local man, Charlie Ross. Hunters is located at 215 W. Emmitt Ave., Waverly, Ohio. Their phone number is 740-947-2400.

The third largest dealership is Vallery Chevrolet. It is own by Andy Vallery, a grandson of the late Clarence H. Vallery and is still considered part of the Vallery legacy. They sell both new and used vehicles. As their name suggests their newer vehicles consists of mostly Chevrolets. Their on site garage also primarily caters to Chevrolets.

Vallery Chevrolet is located at 501 W. Emmitt. Ave., Waverly, Ohio. Their phone number is 740-947-2400.

All three dealerships are operated by a polite and efficient staff. The sales people are all readily able to serve their customers. The billing people are nice and polite, answering all questions asked. The mechanics are also nice and willing to try to work with their customrs.

Their buildings itself are also pleasing to the eye. The outside is all kept up nicely and the vehicles are all placed in easy viewing area. All three dealers also tend to keep their newer vehicles in one area, allowing another area for the older use vehicles, to sit. That makes it nice whether you are interested in either type of vehicle. The inside of each dealership also has an area set up so that waiting customers have a place to relax as they wait for their vehicles to be repaired.

Each of these dealerships live by the code of a small town. They try to treat their customers decently, they try to give one a good deal and still make a living, and they try to meet all demands.

For a town as small as Waverly, one would say that the citizens of Waverly are lucky to have a choice in buying their cars, trucks, jeeps and suv’s locally.

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