Car Seat Safety & Online Shopping

New parents can’t leave the hospital, with their infant in tow, without a properly-installed and inspected car seat. It’s best to get one that is easy to install and adjust so it will be used properly every time.

It’s best to purchase a car seat with high height and weight limits. offers the Infant SafeSeat is safe for infants up to 30 pounds and 32 inches.

Look for buckles that are easy to fasten. If you are a working mother, the last thing you need in the morning is a time killer like a buckle that wants to wrestle. Even if you don’t work out of your home, you don’t want to deal with a buckle before you get out the door in the morning.

The harness straps should be easy to tighten and loosen in a hurry. Some car seats have pull straps in front that are easy to reach and use, especially when you only have one free hand.

Make sure the level indicator on the base can be read at a glance. The seat belt opening should be easy to reach through. has convertible car seats that are mulit-purpose. Face them towards the rear when your child is still an infant and then face it foward when your child turns one or 20 pounds, whichever happens first. The Decathlon model has a crotch buckle that adjusts to three positions, has a head support for infants, and also has tangle-proof straps. offers the KeyFit which is rear-facing only and made to fit small babies best. The base stays secured to your car and you use the carrier to tote your infant. The KeyFit has an angle adjuster that gets the perfect position with the push of a button, and a harness setting for preemies.

For cute car seat covers, check out Although a bit pricey, your infant will ride in style. Covers are washable and can be monogrammed with baby’s initials as well.

Your local police department will install your car seat for free. You can also visit to find a seat inspection site near your home.

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