Care Package for Your College Student: Ideas for Parents

Care Package Ideas: Healthy Snacks. Chances are that Joey and his friends eat enough pizza and chips and twinkies, so include some healthy snacks like granola, raisins, and dried fruit. A poor, hungry college student will eat anything – so sneak in some better stuff.
Care Package Ideas: Vitamins. If you didn’t send your college student off to school with a multi-vitamin, send some in a care package. They’re most likely to get eaten if you roll back the clock to childhood and buy good old fruity Flintstones.
Care Package Ideas: Candy. To balance out the healthy stuff, you’ve got to include some candy, too. Look for goofy stuff, like bizarrely licorice, Fun-dip, Pixy Stix, and anything that harkens back to childhood. First-semester freshmen have fun regressing.
Care Package Ideas: Quarters. If the dorm’s laundry and vending machines take quarters, I can guarantee you they’re a hot commodity.
Care Package Ideas: A DVD. College students love to watch movies in groups; it’s always a welcome distraction. If possible, try to get a brand new release so that there’s almost no chance anyone’s bought it yet.
Care Package Ideas: Hometown Newspaper. The transition from one community to another can make a freshman feel out of the loop, so include a recent copy of the local paper.
Care Package Ideas: Condoms. It’s not something all parents feel comfortable doing, but if you and your student have open communication about sex and you know or believe he/she is sexually active, then why not? It may be a little awkward – but the point is that you’re helping to provide a resource.
Care Package Ideas: Blank CDs. Even with iPods aplenty, college students in residence halls still spend a lot of time burning CDs for each other to share music. It’s also a great way for the student to back up documents.
Care Package Ideas: Clothing Gift Card. Many college students, male and female alike, start to change their personal style as they make new friends and redefine what they see as cool. If you can afford it, give them a little extra purchasing power with a gift card to a hip store.
Care Package Ideas: Something for the roommate. As a friendly gesture, you may want to include something small for your college student’s roommate – maybe just some snacks or something you suspect he/she might like. If all else fails, a $5 gift card to a retailer is a thoughtful token of goodwill.
Care Package Ideas: The “I Love You” Card. Make sure that you’re taking time to express some sentiments in writing with a card or a note. As nice as all the little gifts can be, they’re secondary to telling your college student that you care for and support them.