Career vs. Home: The Struggles of Juggling Your Job and Family

I do go to work sometimes with my spouse because we do have a family business. The childresn get to come and play in the playroom and they love it. I see my spouse stress over bills sometimes and I feel bad. Like every business it has its great days and bad days. The customers can be edgy and moddy if things are not going their way.
When my spouse comes home of course I ask ” How was your day” but I already know. I stay home and do not have a social life because I am in all day. I do the paperworks and take care of the bills at home. My children do not let me get that doen most of the time. It is hard to sit down and think when you have kids screaming or wanting a toy or the remote control. I can be frustrating at times. When we do things as a family which is alot we go to parks, drive-in movies and restraunts.
Any parent who works and has to care for their kids is hard. Here are some tips to make time for work and them:
Schedule a time to sit down
When they nap or have play time do some work or chores
Have them help ex. place the paperclips on or pile the folders
Find time and it will get done
I work on the internet and I find it hard to write with the children around. I write my articles on paper when they are playing, napping, or out back playing. I sit their on the deck with my notebook. For me its easy but sometimes I can not think. When they nap or at night when they are in bed I do my writing on my pc. It can be tough but I do it.
Balancing a job and family all works at the end of the day. It is all about how you do it. The key is have patience and enjoy the kids but make time for your work.