Careers for Graduates with a Degree in Economics

Thousands of graduates with a degree in economics must have applauded when in a recent presidential campaign gurus introduced the slogan”It’s the economy, stupid”. By highlighting the importance of economics to national and personal well being , this statement may have encouraged some students to continue their studies to prepare for important careers waiting for graduates with a degree in economics and simultaneously opened up more potential careers for those same graduates with a degree in economics. For today’s graduates the result of having pursued a degree in economics is not dull or boring employment, but instead a degree in economics can provide graduates with a key to exciting, creative and lucrative career opportunities.

Jobs in Secondary Schools
Our private, parochial and public schools have certainly responded to the call to better prepare our young people in the area of social studies by expanding the number of economics related courses to their curriculum, courses taught best by graduates with a degree in economics. There are more opportunities for graduates with a degree in economics who coincidentally enjoy and are credentialed in teaching to direct new high school curriculum offerings in macro and micro economics, U. S. Economics, economic geography, elementary statistics and accounting, and other economic based topics. Teaching jobs may not come with an above average pay check but they generally offer sound benefit package, the chance to pursue other summer time employment or pick up extra cash through school coaching or advisorial tasks. If you like teaching kids and you are a graduate with a degree in economics and a teaching certificate for the state of your choice this career is worth a look.

Jobs in Federal, State and Municipal Government.
For graduates seeking a career in federal, state or municipal government, a degree in economics may well elevate you past the initial application process and put you on the fast track for an interview for a variety of career options. Federal government subdivisions like the Internal Revenues Service, Social Security Administration, Treasury, Federal Reserve, Labor and Agriculture all employ graduates with a degree in economics. Similar departments at the state level also put graduates with a degree in economics on their staffs. In local governments large and small there is a need to create budgets, fund programs, work with taxes, pay employees, plan for the future, encourage appropriate development and work in regional concert with other local governments. To accomplish these tasks municipalities often hire graduates with a degree in economics.

Working in government service in most cases allows you to make a selection as to the level at which you wish to work and the geographic area that suits your needs and tastes. Government work tends to be dependable work and work that provides excellent benefits. Best of all working for the government often gives employees a feeling that they are using their talents, their gifts and their special training not just for financial gain but also for the betterment of others in the society.

Foreign Service
Unique employment opportunities are available for graduates with a degree in economics who wish to use their degree in the furtherance of economic policies abroad. Graduates with a degree in economics who also have a keen interest or an advanced degree in international relations may find career opportunities in both the public and private sectors of the economy.

Many foreign service officers are needed to lead the economic sector of U. S. legations and embassies around the globe. The glamor of the position and the excitement of foreign travel do not eradicate the fact that these positions really require people with serious credentials like a degree in economics . Graduates with a degree in economics may find themselves working on issues having to do with trade, industry, travel or monetary agreements in foreign countries. If you are a graduate with a degree in economics and love the excitement of travel or have always wanted to live abroad the foreign service may be the thing for you.

But if you are a graduate with a degree in economics who likes to travel and have no interest in government you may want to look to private industry, manufacturers, insurance companies and banks which offer overseas careers well suited to the academic talents of graduates with a degree in economics who happen to love travel.

Think Tanks
For graduates with a degree in economics with no interest in travel but a lot of interest in study, research and theory, there are some specialized jobs available in both publicly and privately funded “think tanks” These research groups take on both pure economic research and attack real world economic problems. A positive feature of working for such a research group is the exposure one receives to experts in the field of economics. Instead of being the only economist working on problems you are likely to grow professionally through contacts with others who share a degree in economics

Private Consulting
For those who like the challenge of running their own business and are invigorated by resolving an ever changing array of economic problems there is always the option to open your own consulting business. If you can afford the start up costs and have enough capital put aside to see you through what might be a slow beginning you may find this use of your degree in economics a good fit. A degree in economics gives you a general background against which you can specialize and provide consulting services in areas of personal interest or expertise. A degree in economics can be the starting place and basic credential for this kind of employment.

Banks, Investment Firms, Business
In the free enterprise economy which exists in America there are thousands of banks, investment firms and private businesses. Each one seeks an advantage in growth and development, each one searches for economic innovation and creativity. Graduates with a degree in economics are surrounded by a sea by career opportunities in our domestic economy . While to some these kinds of jobs may seem too tedious or too “dog eat dog”, for others they provide the thrill of the chase and life in the fast lane.

With all of these choices perhaps it actually takes a graduate with a degree in economics to discover what makes the best financial sense for his or her own future.

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