Careers for Graduates with a Degree in Marine Science

Careers for graduates with a degree in marine science should be relatively easy to locate when you realize how much of the world’s surface is made up of oceans. In the United States, graduates with a degree in marine science have career opportunities available along several thousand miles of both Atlantic and Pacific seacoasts . Of course not all careers suited to graduates with a degree in marine science require the graduates presence in boats or along the water’s edge. The fact that our nation and our modern world are so affected by our oceans and sea life suggests that there will continue to be plenty of career paths opened to marine scientists in the water, on the beach, in the lab and behind a desk.

Working for the Government Protection and care of our national marine wildlife and seashore in many places lies within the control of the United States Government . For this reason the federal government has become a great source of careers for graduates with a degree in marine science.

Graduates with a degree in marine science are likely to find positions in which they can utilize their training, expertise and personal skills by giving thorough consideration to federal government jobs offered by the Fish and Wildlife Service, the National Park Service, The Environmental Protection Agency and surprising perhaps because of its name, the U. S. Department of the Interior.

These and other government bureaus and agencies employ a variety of specialists, not the lest of which are graduates with a degree in marine science. Keeping our oceans safe from pollutants, our fishing areas well stocked and productive and adequately protecting our coastal treasures are hefty concerns for a nation that boasts not one but two continental coastlines as well as the considerable coastal areas found in Hawaii and Alaska. Federal jobs are not necessarily the most prestigious but they tend to be secure, offer opportunities for advancement and provide a reliable benefits package.

Education directors Some graduates with a degree in marine science are also teachers by nature. Graduates who want to teach what they know are in great demand at many popular coastal sanctuaries and wild life preserves. Whether sponsored by federal, state or local government bodies, private trusts or preservation societies, like the Audubon Society, most preserves establish not just geographical boundaries but also an education center to which visitors may turn for information about the sea, its plant life, fish and other marine life. All of these centers want to offer credible , accurate information and enjoyable presentations. Most are delighted if they can find a graduate with a degree in marine science to direct their education exhibits and programs or serve as an on site instructor. The larger the facility the more numerous and specialized the positions.

Careers for graduates with a degree in marine science as education directors or instructors can require patience as teachers must cheerfully respond to the same or similar questions over and over again or share the same tired presentation with pep and enthusiasm. But the joy lies in finding a career that lets you share what you know and love, with the clear knowledge that there is always the chance that you may be sparking interest in children who will make up the next generation of marine scientists.

Research Assistant Some graduates with a degree in marine science want to continue to explore the marine world that fascinates them. Fortunately there are careers for graduates with a degree in marine science that are interested in working as well qualified assistants to PhD. researchers in labs, in marshlands, along the beaches or even in water craft.

For some graduates with a degree in marine science, experience in research may be the impetus which sends them back eventually to school for advanced degrees so that one day they might make a career of heading up their own research projects. Other graduates with a degree in marine science have little or no interest in additional academic adventures and are more than content to grow and learn through on the job training and experience. Those who decide to stay and serve as research assistants may have an immediate opportunity to get involved in one of the many exciting and intriguing projects going on right now.

Marine Life Advocate Graduates with a degree in marine science can find career opportunities by simply taking a step back from day to day involvement on site or in a lob. There is a need for municipal, state and national leaders to be reminded regularly of the significance of preserving clean, healthy marine environments and for protecting those species endangered by human encroachment or predatory imbalances.

Graduates with a degree in marine science who can combine there knowledge with good oral or written communication skills can make a meaningful career by filling advocacy or lobbying positions for wildlife societies or preservation groups. There are many Americans who are serious about wanting to protect marine life, our seashores and the ocean environment that we all enjoy. These interest groups need dedicated writers and spokespersons who have credentials in the field and can make a convincing case for conservation in newspapers, magazines and among government officials. Some graduates with a degree in marine science find that they have both the capacity and the desire to work for these causes and find a lifetime career in the bargain.

Environmental Consultant. Graduates with a degree in marine science can successfully apply for careers with consulting groups which either center on environmental surveys or have a division of environmental consultants on staff. Depending upon a graduate ‘s undergraduate area of concentration , he or she can play an important part in providing environmental research and analysis to real estate developers, town management authorities, state and federal land use commissions or industrial developers.

Consulting can be a very lucrative business when your company has a high end client�¨le. But like any other business, environmental consulting is responsive to the ups and downs of business cycles. Graduates with a degree in marine science are academically equipped to make a career change to teaching, research, or government work if and when demand in the consulting business cools down.

The oceans which surround us in many ways hold the key to our own survival on planet earth. The importance of our oceans, the creatures which inhabit them and the land they touch cannot be denied. Their importance points to a bright and busy future for talented graduates with a degree in marine science.

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