Careers for Graduates with a Degree in Spanish

Careers for graduates with a degree in Spanish seem to be multiplying almost daily. Fifty years ago, few high schools offered classes in Spanish and few students considered pursuing a college degree in Spanish. But today, careers for graduates with a degree in Spanish are found in both the public and private sectors of the economy throughout the country. With the increasing number of Spanish speaking immigrants and migrant workers flocking to the United Sates , it is likely that careers for graduates with a degree in Spanish will continue to mushroom. While states that share our long border with Mexico may offer a proportionately greater number of careers for grads with a degree in Spanish, many careers for graduates with a degree in Spanish can be found throughout the country.

Public and Private Schools, The amazing growth in America’s Hispanic population has triggered a response in our public school districts and private institutions. More schools are offering Spanish as a foreign language requirement option and they are offering Spanish to students at the Middle School level as well. These additional classes must be staffed and the need for credentialed professionals means more careers for graduates with a degree in Spanish who take the time to become certified to teach in the state of their choice.

And the choices are many. Careers for graduates with a degree in Spanish are available coast to coast. Graduates with a degree in Spanish who are looking for a career in teaching will find that they are in demand in the city but also in the suburban and even rural locations. Learning Spanish has become more important to our society and so the job of teaching Spanish has taken on a whole new significance and the result is that those looking for careers for graduates with a degree in Spanish may well find the opportunities in high school and middle school teaching to be many and diverse.

English As a Second Language America is experiencing a real cultural shift that is showing no signs of abating. The growing Hispanic adult population , in the process of being Americanized, frequently encounters the need to learn English in order to be able to work and live effectively. To meet their needs programs have sprung up across the country to teach English as a Second Language. Naturally in areas where the students in English as a Second Language programs are predominantly Hispanic, program directors and instructors are often drawn from the ranks of graduates with a degree in Spanish. In fact those looking for careers for graduates with a degree in Spanish may find that English as a Second Language programs seem a perfect match. Graduates have an opportunity to really use the language skills and cultural information they have acquired over four or more years of college. At the same time as they teach English via Spanish they find themselves further developing their own language capabilities

Certainly to work in such programs many graduates with a degree in Spanish will find it necessary to complete auxiliary teaching courses or program training but the key ability to communicate freely in both English and Spanish is already in the hands of graduates with a degree in Spanish.

Government Positions In federal, state and municipal government agencies and departments that routinely deal with the governments of Spanish speaking nations or with Hispanic populations in the U. S., there are a growing number of career opportunities for graduates with a degree in Spanish. One immediately thinks of the Department of Immigration and Naturalization and the many careers for graduates with a degree in Spanish that can be found in jobs at airports, border crossings, bus and train terminals and port authorities. International careers are plentiful for graduates with a degree in Spanish in agencies that deal with foreign trade, cultural exchange, international aid programs and diplomacy. More careers for graduates with a degree in Spanish can be found at the local, state and federal level in departments that deal with labor, education, housing, employment and minority rights. While many government jobs will require additional training for applicants, the basic building block is already in place for those seeking careers who are graduates with a degree in Spanish.

Private Industry In our global economy more and more industries find themselves moving into the international market place simply to survive. In companies that are doing business in Spanish speaking countries new careers open up for graduates with a degree in Spanish. If graduates with a degree in Spanish can couple their facility with the language with some post graduate training in finance, international trade, international law, or accounting they will find exciting new careers withing their reach. For many graduates with a degree in Spanish, these kinds of international jobs give them not only a lucrative return but also an opportunity to visit and become immersed in those cultures that they have spent so much time studying.

Non-Profits If your goal in life is service and you can survive on a rather minimal salary there are plenty of careers for graduates with a degree in Spanish. Many non-profits are busily at work serving the diverse needs of the Hispanic immigrant population which is now spread liberally around the country. There are careers for graduates with a degree in Spanish with agencies that help low income Hispanics who lack English skills to access health care, jobs, housing, education and other assistance programs. Helping Spanish speaking minorities to navigate their way through the morass of government regulations and forms, to get the help they need, may not be a career that fills the wallet but it definitely fills the heart.

Graduates with a degree in Spanish are arriving in the workplace when the demand for their special skills is at an all time high. While graduates with a degree in Spanish may find that they need some additional training to adapt to a particular career opportunity, the basic skills they have acquired while earning a degree in Spanish will give them a foot in the door in a great variety of public and private career opportunities .l

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