Careers for Graduates with a Degree in Women’s Studies

Degree programs in women’s studies are being developed on more and more campuses today and careers for graduates with a degree in women’s studies are opening up as never before. Some graduates with a degree in women’s studies expand their career opportunities by adding a masters or doctoral degree. But many graduates with a degree in women’s studies find it possible to begin taking up careers in their chosen area of interest immediately after college graduation. Now that women’s issues are clearly off the political and economic back burner, it seems safe to assume that there will continue to be solid career opportunities for graduates with a degree in women’s studies.

Welfare Worker Of primary interest to many who are graduates with a degree in women’s studies is the exploding population of welfare mothers and their families. In our society today, there are so many single mom’s trying to deal with the immense responsibility of finding the means to raise children on their own.Graduates with a degree in women’s studies often have a keen interest in and compassion for women who not only take on the burden of child rearing alone, but may do so without any support system or family assistance in the wings. Welfare mothers may be young women without a high school degree, without any chance at a college education, with no skills, no outside friendships with other young adult, no insurance and especially with no hope that things will ever right themselves.

Some graduates with a degree in women’s studies graduate with a real zeal to help women whose lives seem so troubled , lonely and depressing. Graduates with a degree in women’s studies may want to devote themselves to careers that need creative and dedicated professionals to help these truly desperate women on a one on one basis to lift themselves out of dependence and into an independent lifestyle.

Graduates with a degree in women’s studies may well come equipped to work on a case by case basis to help welfare mothers find programs that will assist them to find and attend GED programs, to take part time employment, to find day care for their children , to learn about nutrition and nurturing children, and to build the self esteem that they so desperately need.

Graduates with a degree in women’s studies won’t find a career as a Welfare worker a path that leads to huge financial success. They are more likely to find that putting their degree to work can mean helping a young mother to cope and her children to live happier, healthier, more hope filled lives.

Non-Profit Counselor Graduates with a degree in women’s studies have spent four years improving their awareness of the problems that are unique to one gender. Certainly the issues of contraception, pregnancy, Aids, sexually transmitted diseases, and abortion effect women profoundly . When women find themselves face to face with these issues often at a very young age they often seek counseling and professional assistance.

Graduates with a degree in women’s studies have both a personal compassion and an acquired awareness of the problems of women. Many graduates with degree in women’s studies, with some additional issue orientation and training, can follow careers with non-profit organizations in which their work centers on providing information to women about making good decisions and helping them grapple with the serious life issues faced by women.

Journalists Some graduates with a degree in women’s studies also possess ability and interest in writing. Such graduates will find many waiting, editorial and even management positions with magazine staffs comprised of women who write for women. Competition for these positions is stiff but those with a degree in women’s studies have the advantage of credentials. Magazines need more than just free lance writers turned loose on a theme. Magazines, newspapers or journals build respect based on the professionalism of their staffs. Graduates with a degree in women’s studies from an accredited college add that special credibility and perspective to the submissions and add vitality to the publication.

There is certainly money to be made via the printed word. Careers on the staff of a magazine are reliable sources of income but there is also a widespread freelance market in print and on line that can either be the prime source of your income or valuable additions as you develop your writing career.

Women’s Rights Advocates It may be hard to imagine but there really was a time in our nation’s history when women did not even possess the right to vote. Women’s Rights leaders waged an unrelenting battle that ended in a constitutional amendment and universal suffrage.

Today’s women have the luxury of taking the right to vote for granted but there are many other areas in which women’s rights are infringed upon and routinely ignored. Graduates with a degree in women’s studies are well aware of the inequities , injustice and harassment that women face each day in the work place, in housing , in education and in daily living . The academic background of graduates with a degree in women’s studies gives them the historical and practical underpinnings necessary to attack injustices that are visited so common upon women as a gender group.

Federal and state governments offer careers that could be well filled by graduates with a degree in women’s studies to pursue and uproot rights violations that break existing law. Graduates with a degree in women’s studies can also find positions in large companies, labor unions and women’s advocacy groups to serve as credentialed advocates for the rights and the interest of women on every level of our society.

Because sexual equality has become such a hot button issue, many political entities, state and national party committees, Congressmen, Senators generally employ one or more staff members with a background or possibly a degree in women’s studies to keep them appraised of the women’s viewpoint on pending issues and legislation.

Certainly one graduate with a degree in women’s studies cannot speak to the position of a group as diverse as all American women. Still politicians clearly recognize their very real political need to observe and display a concern for women.

Today’s business world is filled with opportunities . For women with a degree in women’s studies part of their employment is likely lie in keeping business and opportunities open for women to participate equally and effectively.

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