Carpet Cleaning: Candle Wax Nightmare

Good news though, it is not impossible to clean candle wax out of your carpet. It will, on the other hand, require hard work and a lot of elbow grease to successfully clean your carpet and completely remove the candle wax, which will soak all the way through to the base and then solidify. Here’s what you will need:
– Brown paper bags
– An iron (one you’d iron cloths with)
– Some ice
– A spoon
– Some sort of vacuum cleaning device
– Lots of time!
Cleaning a carpet that is caked in candle wax is a process, and there are steps involved to ensure you get all the wax out as well as the stain.
The first step of candle wax removal is to rub down the area covered in the wax with ice. It doesn’t seem like the best idea, however it makes sense. The point is to freeze the wax, making it as dense as possible so it will crack and break and then you can vacuum it up.
Once you thoroughly rub the candle wax with ice, you will then take the spoon and with all your might, scrape away at the frozen wax, essentially scooping it out of the carpet. This will leave shards of wax all over the carpet, simply vacuum this up every so often.
After we thoroughly spoon our carpet of the candle wax and get rid of the actual substance, there will be a horrid looking stain left in its place on your beloved carpet. Now you need to lay down the brown paper bags on top of the candle wax stain, and iron. Iron like you have never ironed before, as this will melt the residue, which is creating the stain and will transfer it to the brown paper bag. You will need to put a new bag down when the one you are ironing is sufficiently caked in candle wax residue.
Rinse and repeat the ironing of the paper bag to successfully clean your carpet of candle wax. As far as I know this is the most effective (and only) method I’ve used, but it works like a charm. Be prepared to invest a lot of time into this though, it will be worth it when you have a sparkling clean carpet free of candle wax!