Carpet and Upholstery Cleaners in Bloomington, Minnesota

Bloomington, Minnesota has quite a few Carpet and/or Upholstery Cleaners located in the city. This article will list 15 of them, in alphabetical order, along with the services that they advertise. I’ve included the businesses contact information so Bloomington’s residents can call around for the best quotes and services. (This list is provided as information only. Inclusion does not necessarily mean recommendation or any implied guarantee. Make sure to check any business out. You can do this by checking them out against the Better Business Bureau as well as asking for references.)

1. All bright Services can be reached by calling 952-888-3000 for information on services offered and prices.

2. Armstrong Carpet Cleaning can be reached at 952-884-3535 for information on services and rates.

3. Aspen Carpet Cleaner still has the original 1979 owner and operator. The phone number is 952-884-7053

4. Bane -Clene Way advertise Odor Control Treatment, carpet and fabric protector, safe and quiet system, they bring there own softened water and use Tiller’s Steam Carpet Cleaning that is recommended by leading carpet manufactures and which does not leave a soapy, sticky residue. You can call 952-935-8900 or log onto for more information.

5. Blue Ribbon Chem-Dry advertises that there is no soap used in the only fast drying carbonated system. The carpets dry in approximately one hour and they stay cleaner longer. You can call 952-884-1593 for more information.

6. Carpet Blasters are located at 8735 Portland Avenue and can be reached at 952-884-5379.

7. Coit Drapery & Carpet Cleaners are located at 11000 Hampshire Avenue. The phone number there is 952-944-9433.

8. Custom Clean Services- Pet Odor Specialists also specialize in delicate and fine upholstery that dries in one to three hours. They can be reached by calling 952-881-2929.

9. DJ Enterprises Carpet & Janitorial Services is located at 6109 West 96th Street and can be reached at 952-831-4185.

10. Don’s Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning offers residential and commercial services, truck mounted equipment and emergency water cleanup. They are insured and bonded since 1970. You can each Don or his partner Brad for a free estimate by calling 952-929-6182.

11. Genie Carpet Cleaning can be reached by calling 952-881-2065 for information on services and prices.

12. Jolly’s Services Inc. offers dry carpet cleaning and uses HOST, which is top rated by the leading consumer magazine. They advertise the removal of stubborn stains with no soapy residue or rust stains. You can reach this thirty year old company by calling 612-866-5957. Make sure to ask about the 15 percent introductory discount.

13. North Star Carpet is located at 9400 Old Cedar Avenue 105. Call 952-229-0202 for information on services and rates.

14. Quantum Fire & Water Restoration is located at 10525 Hampshire Avenue South and can be reached at 952-826-0600.

15. ServiceMaster Clean of Bloomington are specialists in carpet and furniture. They offer total home cleaning, furniture and drapery cleaning, deep soil extraction, spot removal and fire or water damage restoration for both residential and commercial customers. They can be reached at 952-831-4375.

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