Cashing in at the Grocery Store

Grocery shopping can be a horrifying experience. With the price of gas on the rise, grocery prices are bound to go up. Grocers know that consumers will still be shopping in their grocery store due to supply and demand. Consumers demand it and grocers supply it. Can you beat the grocer at his own game?

Yes, you can! All you have to do is follow a few, simple tips. First, make a grocery list to determine what you need. It is important that you stick to the list. You can place pen and paper near your refrigerator and when you run out of an item, write it on the list. The list will save you money because it keeps you from forgetting what you need. It will keep you from having to make a run to the grocery store later in the week.

Another tip is to comparison shop. Look at the sale tag on the item’s shelf and see how much per pound, ounce or whatever the item is sold as. Compare that to the other products to determine which is the best deal.

Purchase loss leaders. Loss leaders are usually advertised on the front and back of the store’s sales ad. If there is a really good deal on something, be sure to buy it in multiples. This will save you from paying full price later. You can freeze or store these items for later use. You will be creating a stockpile which will save you time and money because you will be shopping less. Begin to use what you have on hand.

Use coupons for food products. Most consumers think that clipping coupons is not worth their time, but the savings will add up. The best way to use a coupon is to combine them with a sale. Most of the time, if you use a coupon without combining it with a sale, you will still be paying more than other brands, so be sure to watch for this.

Never shop while you are hungry. You will begin to impulse buy. You will be purchasing high cost convenience foods that are unhealthy for you.

Always use the leftovers in your refrigerator and freezer. This saves a tremendous amount of money and time by extending your shopping trips.

Buy fresh fruits and vegetables during their season. Better yet, grow your own garden. Can and freeze your produce to consume all winter long.

Shop alone. Never bring your children with you to the grocery store. They will ask for items not on your list. Plus they tire easily and will get frustrated while you shop for bargains.

Look high and low. Grocery stores display items that sell the least on the higher and lower shelves. These items are cheaper because the consumer does not pay for their advertising budget.

The most important tip I can offer is to keep a price book. This is the most useful tool in making sure that every food dollar you spend is spent well. You will begin to know when an item is actually on sale or not. Each page in your price book should contain the date, name of your grocery store, the brand of the item, the size of the item, the price of the item, and then the unit price of the item. At first it will seem like an endless task, but as time goes by, you will notice you are writing less. You will begin to see a pattern as well as to when an item goes on sale at a particular retailor.

What are you waiting for? Become a smart consumer and start saving with these simple tips. Watch your wallet grow!

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