Celebrate Christmas in July

Do you celebrate Christmas in July? If the answer is no, perhaps its time to step on board the Santa train, and find out how this ‘holiday’ started in the first place. It seems that Australia and bore witness to the founding fathers of this annual dose of Christmas in the summer months. Legend has it that a group of Irish travelers were vacationing in the Blue Mountain region; with the snow on the ground in the middle of July, they reminisced about the Christmas celebrations back home in European lands. Soon, the crowds and other companions became engaged with their enthusiasm, and with their spirit, began a new tradition!

Many regions in Australia actually experiences the western world’s version of ‘winter’ during the July months, complete with snow, ice, and the glory of a White Christmas. In order to preserve the Hallmark-water globe of ‘real’ Christmas (think candy canes, gingerbread houses, and Santa and his reindeer), the appeal to celebrate in the middle of summer has become the norm across the equator.

Christmas in July has also been rumored to be strictly a retail holiday, in the sense that it just another excuse to generate revenue during a slow time of the year. Since it seems that graduation ceremonies, Father’s Day, and Fourth of July are not enough for people to host parties, barbeques, and get-togethers, Christmas in July is now becoming another popular reason to celebrate.

All aboard Santa’s sleigh with this holiday titled ‘Yulefest’ in parts of Australia. The celebration isn’t complete without turkey, stuffing, and all the components of a full-fledged Christmas feast to kick off the merriment. Back in the U.S., the Christmas in July Festival is officially celebrated in North Carolina, with a complete schedule of southern bands, entertainment, and food.

Whether Christmas in July truly is a marketing tactic, or an age-old tradition, many celebrants in the U.S. are taking part in this fun, and sometimes elaborate, compilation of the good times of olde. Take part in the festivities this year, by hosting your own celebration regardless of the snow (or lack thereof)! Here are ten ideas to get you into the Christmas in July spirit:

1. Rent a snow-making machine, fill your back yard, (ignore the neigbors’ raised eyebrows), and venture forth into a snowman making contest!

2. Pull out the Christmas lights and decorate your house completely in Christmas themes for only one week. Announce your commitment by passing around flyers of your celebration to friends and neighbors.

3. Arrange a neighborhood Christmas in July contest.

4. Organize a Christmas dinner for friends and family.

5. Rent ‘A Christmas Story’ and watch it 8-10 times back to back. Don’t forget to get the whole household involved to truly ‘brainwash’ the concept into everyone’s daily affairs.

6. Fill stockings with each friend and family members’ names, and ‘display’ them on their car windows.

7. Pull out your old Christmas tree, decorate, and place outside in your front yard.

8. Brew up some hot apple cider, and serve it ‘iced’ with a long lemonade straw.

9. Break a New Year’s Resolution to honor a ‘retake’ of the New Year (this is probably the perfect excuse for natural resolution-breakers)

10. Give out Santa Hats at work, and offer incentives/bonuses for those who can wear them for a week without anyone asking ‘why???’

These are only ten ways to celebrate in the Christmas of July spirit. Add your own favorite, or customized, tradition, and you’ll soon find yourself joining this up-and-coming annual celebration!

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