Celebrate the Summer Solstice

Neopagans describe the changes during the midsummer season as a war between the Sun and the Holly King; this represents the slow weakening of the Sun King at this time of the year, as the Holly King battles for power. Fairy magic is also a tradition during this time, and midsummer is traditionally the time when fairies are fluttering about, and out of their houses. Children enjoy these mythical, and often very creative stories, as they do represent a deep change and excitement associated with the change of nature and the oncoming summer.
Celebrate and create your own traditions to bring in the Summer Solstice with these activities, and you’ll be sure to make it a Midsummer to remember!
1. Plan a bonfire
a. Nothing kicks off the summer with a bonfire, and it is a great opportunity to create a campsite, share songs, stories, music, and spend time with friends and family. Traditionally, bonfires represented a purification and rebirth; the fire is used to recreate and set things anew. The bonfire can begin your midsummer with the same symbolization.
2. Spend time in the sun!
a. The midsummer and solstice months are a great time to get outside, breathe in the fresh and vibrant air, and experience the outdoors even from your backyard. The birds, flowers, and local wildlife will be in their prime, as well as an abundance of seasonal fruits, vegetables, and grains on farms nearby. Enjoy the full season with a variety of activities and food in season. Develop a delicious dinner menu such as a traditional Solstice roast, potluck, or other memorable feast.
3. Use this time as a reason to start over
a. Midsummer gives everyone an opportunity to let go, and start afresh; take steps to do some house/apartment cleaning, and remove old and un-useful items. You can even host a yard sale! Clean out the garage, and create fresh and clean new space for the season.
4. Host a barbeque
a. A great reason to have a summerparty is to host a barbeque; invite friends, family, and neighbors to enjoy the outdoors with a great meal and entertainment right in your back yard. Solstice music is traditionally focused on poetry, drumming, and mediaeval-style music, so do some research and see what you can come up with!
5. Gather plants
a. In the true spirit of Summer Solstice, Celtic tradition involves gathering healing plants and herbs. Some popular plants are Fern, St. John’s Wort, Vervain, Yarrow, and Mugwort.
Whatever your celebration entails, begin your tradition to welcome the Summer Solstice with a memorable midsummer event. Whether it’s a bonfire, barbeque, lavish feast, dancing and music, or a collection of a day of a variety of activities, you’ll be sure to welcome the summer with ‘classic’ style!