Celebrity Beauty Tips

Everyone wants to look like a star, right? Then researching celebrity beauty tips are the best way to get started! Good celebrity beauty tips are tricky to find but these suggestions should at least point you in the right direction.

Beauty might only be skin deep, but Halle Berry swears by Dream Cream body moisturizer. This product produced by Lush generally costs around twenty dollars for an 8.5 ounce bottle. Ingredients include oats, lavender, rose water, and olive oil. Many celebrities are a fan of the Lush brand and it is no doubt to be a winner for your skin as well! Halle also uses Sophia-Online’s skin care line. These include a vitamin C moisturizer to keep a young and healthy look. Halle will admit however that the best beauty secret is a good night of sleep – eight hours is the key to healthy looking skin, she says.

The Body Shop is another well known and popular brand among the stars. Nelly Furtado sports Body Shop’s Vanilla eau de toilette spray. A 3.4 ounce bottle of this light, spicy scent can be purchased online at www.thebodyshop.com for only twelve dollars. It is also reported that Tom Cruise is a fan of this line, regularly purchasing Bath Bombs. Their effervescent fizzing releases oil into your bathwater, providing for a calming and luxurious experience.

Kally Osborne is said to display Paintbox Extreme semi-permanent color. This company produces vegetable based hair color in twenty different shades. The semi-permanent color lasts around twenty washes and can be found on the market for fifteen to twenty dollars. Fudge Hair Shaper is a favorite of sizzling celebrity Nicole Kidman. A 3.5 ounce bottle can be purchased for around twenty dollars and will keep your hair right where you left it! This is a great deal for a fabulous product.

A great celebrity beauty tip comes from model Lauren Hutton who swears by estrogen. There are health risks when taking a medication such as this, but the model swears that it is “good for your moods, good for your skin”. If she is the example to be set, then we must believe it works, look at the creamy, clear complexion!

Makeup artists for super-hot celebrity Keri Russell list some of her favorite products as Du Wop I-Gel compresses. This relieves puffiness around the eyes from “morning after” look and exhaustion. The also say this celeb uses Murad hydrating Toner and Kiehl’s Ultra Facial Moisturizer. Based on Keri’s glowing complexion we must admit that she and her makeup artists must be doing something right!

Katie Holmes is another fresh faced celebrity with lots of great tips. She says her skin is left feeling clean and not dry when she uses Dr. Hauschka’s Facial Toner and Cleansing Cream. Waterproof mascara is also a must for this young starlet and a leave in moisturizing treatment for her hair. No wonder those beautiful locks always look shiny and tame!

Hollywood’s hottest stars are certainly the place to look for hot celebrity beauty tips, but keeping in mind your own skin type and finding the best products for you personally are always the best way to go!

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