Cell Phone Soon to Become Your Credit Card, Entrance Ticket and Information Resource

It seems that all the time there is more things a cell phone can be used for not just placing calls. First there was text messaging and then being able to access Internet content. Lately its even been possible to get listings such as local restaurants and taxi companies. The latest technology is likely to completely change the way you use your cell phone. In this article I will discuss how your cell phone can be used as a credit card, ticket and information resource.

Its a common problem we go to buy something when we realize we have left our wallet at home or in the car. This problem may soon become a thing of the past, after all we rarely forget our cell phone. Under the new system your credit card number will be stored in the phone in an encrypted format. When it comes time to make the purchase the number will be beamed through radio waves to a reader at the checkout where it will be decoded and the transaction will be completed.

The use of tickets and passes could also soon become a thing of the past. You will never have to worry about leaving your tickets behind as long as you have your cell phone. Getting through the turnstile will be as simple as swiping your phone. This kind of technology is expected to be soon used for a variety of purposes. Concert and movie tickets as well as plane tickets will soon be available through your phone.

It has been possible to get selected information through your cell phone for some time. In the near future its going to be possible to get information on a whole new level. The new technology will see truly unique information sent to your phone from sources such as posters and DVD covers. When your DVD browsing you will be able to get a movie preview sent to your phone to review later. On sports posters your be able to get all the latest team and player stats.

I think this new technology is very exciting. Rest assured your won’t need to purchase an expensive new phone to take advantage as it will simply be a universal add on to attach to your current cellphone. This technology is likely to change the way we live and it seems we will no longer need to take our wallet everywhere. Also its worth noting that the phone will be password protected against fraud which already give it an advantage over credit cards.

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