Cheap Ideas for Repairing and Improving Privacy of Screen Doors

Screen doors become the target of cats, kids, wind and a whole Sam’s Club of different types of accidents. Protecting against the damage inherent in the very concept of screening material is not that difficult. It may even cost less than a latte at Starbucks to protect yourself against the prying eyes of those on the other side of a screen door.


Got a hole in your screen door? A very easy, cheap and effective means of regaining temporary relief and protection involves nothing more than having the manhood to buy a pair of pantyhouse. Unless, of course, you are a woman, in which case you probably already have pantyhose. Grab some duct tape and pair of pantyhose and stretch the stockings over the length of the hole in your screne door. Tape the hose securely to the screen and though it may not look pretty, it will at least provide you with the same amount of security and protection that was there before the hole occurred.


You may want to keep your door open and and enjoy the breeze through a screen door, but be put off by the fact that those on the flipside can peer into the house and see what you are doing. Can you have it both ways? Can you enjoy the ability to see through the screen to the outside without putting up with peepers checking out what you are doing? Actually, yes. Invest in a bit of plain white paint and enough paint thinner to create a very thing coating. Grab a paintbrush with thin bristles spaced widely apart and coat evenly. Once you allow the paint to dry, what you’ve got there, Fanny, is a screen door that allows you to enjoy the great outoors without the great outdoors enjoying you. So shed the clothes and vacuum in the nude in the full fury of knowledge that your privacy has been maintained. After, that is, going outside to make sure for yourself that you’ve done it right.

Nail Polish

Nail polish can do wonders. You woman know that and have known it for years. We guys are not quite there yet. So, guys, next time you hit the drug store, pick up some clear nail polish. You know…for emergencies. One of those emergencies is the repair of very tiny holes in a screen door. Clear nail polish liberally applied over a small hole in a screen door can create the illusion of your having engaged in a much more irritating form of actual repair. Brush on a coat of nail polish and allow to dry. Then brush on another coating of polish and allow to dry and keep doing this until you cannot even tell that a hole was ever even in the screen door.

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