Cheat Sheet to Boston Red Sox Blogs

The Boston Red Sox have a notorious rabid fan base. Known as Sox Nation, these fans are some of the best and most knowledgeable in baseball. It should come as no surprise that there’s a wealth of Boston Red Sox blogs and fan sites on the Internet. With so many subjects to touch on – the clutch performances of Big Papi David Ortiz, to the Manny being Manny comments, to the emergence of Jonathan Papelbon, Sox fans never suffer from lack of topics to write about. Here’s a guide to some of the best Boston Red Sox blogs and websites out there.

1. Boston Dirt Dogs – The ultimate site for Red Sox fans; latest news stories, links to info about ex-Sox players, and hilarious headlines. And, it’s Jerry Remy endorsed!

2. 12eight – Liveblogs occasionally as he did for the All-Star game, write humorous pieces including Top 10 Names in Major League Baseball

3. 3,079 Miles to Fenway, 3,448 miles to Yankee Stadium – 2 guys named Neil, one a Red Sox fan, the other a Yankees fan blog about the rivalry.

4. Away Team – Blog written by 4 Red Sox fans currently living in New York. I feel their pain.

5. The Boston Blogger – Contains links to stories for The Boston Globe and The Boston Herald, as well as photos with amusing captions underneath them.

6. Boston Blood Sox – Typical Red Sox blog, but with a fun rating system on the side, “Man of the Game” awarded to each game’s best player and “B*tch Goat Standings” relating to poor perfomance.

7. Call of the Green Monster – This site is informative, but don’t take everything you read seriously. There’s often amusing fictional accounts of ball players including a recent jab at A-Rod.

8. Cursed to First – Recap of many of the games. Fabulous photos and also this blogger has some fun with Photoshop.

9. Papelblog– This blog was just recently started by two female Red Sox fans in order to show their adulation for Sox rookie closer Jonathan Papelbon.

10.Dirty Watah – In a nod one of the songs that gets played after a Sox win at Fenway this blog includes video posts of the Sox.

11. El Guapo’s Ghost – This blog title refers to the ex-Sox reliever Rich Garces. It is up-to-date and includes trade rumors.

12. Fenway Nation – This is an extremely comprehensive site that has been running since April 2000. Updated often, there’s information on lineup’s, television coverage, and ticket information. Also, a plethora of related links on the sides of the site.

13. Here’s to Next Year – This is a pretty average blog, but includes something of particular interest, posts that review books about the Red Sox. With so many Sox-related books out there, this site might help you decide what book to pick.

14. The House That Dewey Built – Recaps of games and notables from the game as well as other games from around the league.

15. Keep Your Sox On In Brooklyn – Blog written by 2 Red Sox fans living in Brooklyn. There are humorous photos included in many of the posts. Also the writing is very entertaining, great sarcastic tone.

16. Over the Monster – What makes this blog different is that it includes posts about the Sox minor league teams. It’s always good to know about who’s coming up.

17. The Remy Report – Anyone who watches Sox games knows who Jerry Remy is. Well, this is his site. Today there’s a fabulous photo of Papelbon dressed as the Terminator.

18. Red Sox Reality Check – A recent post on here contained a number of reasons “Why I Hate West Coast Road Trips.” There’s also a post addressing NESN’s recent “What If” show.

19. Sox Therapy – Contains feeds from many New England newspapers and ESPN news, plus original content.

20. Surviving Grady – For the title alone, this site is worth a look. Luckily, it’s also a very funny site.

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