Chef Apparel in the Hartford, Ct Area

For the person seeking chef apparel in the Hartford, Ct area, there are not a lot of retail outlets nearby. Because many restaurants and institutions now rent chef apparel from commercial laundries, fewer retailers stock and sell chef apparel in the Hartford, Ct area. The ubiquitous black and white checkered pants that are worn by many cooks and chefs are actually known as ‘houndstooth’ pants. No longer are the houndstooth or black pants the only design of chef pants available. In recent years, several chef apparel companies have been producing loud, colorful and outrageous designs of chef pants. Some of these designs include swimming fish, fruits and vegetables and other food items, set against a black background. While this type of chef apparel can be specially ordered at the Hartford, Ct area retail outlets listed here, only the standard black and white checkered pants are normally in stock. Both the elastic waistband/ drawstring style and the belt- loop type style of chef pants are available at most of the retailers listed here.
With their oversize lapels and starched formality, chef coats are an important part of maintaining a professional appearance. The Hartford, Ct area chef apparel outlets listed here all carry standard white chef coats in many sizes. In addition to the button- style chef coats worn for years, a new style, which utilizes knots of cloth, in place of buttons, are generally available at the listed retailers.
The old- fashioned, short- sleeve white kitchen shirts, another popular item in the world of chef apparel, are also available at all of the places to buy chef apparel in the Hartford, Ct area, listed here.
A) Catherine’s Professional Uniforms..Bristol Shopping Plaza, 683 Farmington Ave(Rt.6), Bristol, Ct..(860)582-1072
The staff at Catherine’s is very friendly and helpful. They carry a full line of quality chef apparel, at very reasonable prices. Chef pants are available in a variety of sizes and styles. Chef coats and kitchen shirts are always in stock. Free alterations are available on items purchased there. A truly excellent Hartford, Ct area chef apparel store.
B) Copley’s, For Uniforms..65 B Louis St, Newington, Ct..(860)666-4484
Chefs and cooks have been purchasing chef apparel from Copley’s for many years. At Copley’s, professional service and top- quality products are the business standard. All types of chef pants are in stock, including elastic- waistband styles. Crisp, white chef coats and kitchen shirts to outfit the entire staff are available at Copley’s, for very competitive prices.
C) Glazier’s Corset and Uniform Shop..631 Main St, Manchester, Ct..(860)643-6346
Only the very best quality chef apparel is in stock at Glazier’s. The extremely knowledgable and helpful staff will assist customers in any way needed. A full line of chef apparel, including various styles of chef pants, including the ‘baggy’ style are regularly featured at Glaziers. All sizes and styles of chef coats and kitchen shirts are usually in stock. Moderately priced.
D) Image Uniform and Specialty Wear..90 Enfield St, Suite 206, Enfield, Ct..1-800 291- 7288
At Image Uniform, all of the standard chef apparel items are generally in stock. If they do not have the item on hand, they will gladly order it. The prices at Image Uniform are by far the most inexpensive at any of the retailers listed here. Very helpful staff members will try to fill the customer’s every need. A highly recommended place to buy chef apparel in the Hartford, Ct area.