Child Safety: Swimming Pools

There ate many dangers around the home that must be taken care of. You buy outlet plugs to protect little fingers, cabinet latches and locks, baby gates, and baby monitors, just to name a few. Surprisingly, one of the most overlooked things could be the most deadly, the swimming pool. Even if your child is the best swimmer in the world, the pool still can prove to be a deadly place for him. It is important that you learn how to make it less of a risk for your child.
One of the most obvious ways of protecting your children is to make certain they are never left unattended at the pool. There should always be an adult within arms reach, preferably one that is a proficient swimmer and has been trained in CPR. Even if the child knows how to swim, or is wearing a life jacket, or if the water is shallow, don’t make the assumption that he is okay, because he may not be.
It is a good idea to have life saving equipment, and a portable phone available at the pool as well. In case of emergency, it is better to have everything readily available, than to lose precious time getting what you need from inside the house.
Make certain that all caregivers know these precautions as well. You depend on them to care for your children when you are not there, and they need to be able to handle any emergency that may arise, or you have to make the pool off limits unless you are there. Remind them that it is not okay to leave your child at the pool even for a moment, as it only takes a matter of seconds for a child just to drown in the bathtub, let alone a pool.
Many pool related accidents are caused by children playing outside that just happen to decide they want to go swimming. It is necessary to have a secure fence around the pool area, separating it from play areas, and make certain that it is tall enough not to be climbed over. You also either want to make the latches be high so as to be out of the child’s reach, or even better, have locks on the gates that only you have a key to. That way, it cannot be accessed without your knowledge. Always remove all toys from the water or pool area, as this occasionally will entice a child to go where he knows he isn’t supposed to, and inadvertently fall into the water.
Pool covers should also be used when the pool is not in use. Whether you have a power cover, or the tarp-type cover, don’t depend on this to protect your child. You should always have a fence around the pool, regardless of the other safety precautions you take.
The important thing is to never take your child’s safety for granted, and to realize that the pool poses a very real danger to him. Even following all of the advice in this article is not enough to guarantee your child’s safety, but it can definitely help try to prevent a bad situation. Many parents and caregivers don’t realize the danger that pools pose, or they think that since their child knows how to swim, he is okay. But that is simply not the case! If you have a pool, or there is a pool near that your child could have access too, it is your responsibility to ensure your child is safe at all times.