Children Using Cell Phones to Cheat at School

Obviously teachers have a pretty good reason why they do not want the cell phone brought into the classroom. There are however things that you can do as a parent to help the situation. For example you will not give a cell phone to a first grader, since they are not capable of handling the responsibility that comes along with the phone. Therefore you should really make sure your child is mature enough to carry the cell phone, and that they know why you have given them one.
How exactly do they use the phones to cheat? Well its not as complex as you may think. All they have to do is take a picture of the information from their text books with their phone save it and use it during the test. There are many ways that your child can use the phone to cheat. But there are other ways to help keep your child honest. Since the purpose of the phone is to contact you and for you to contact them, there is really no need for text messaging.
If you want to tell them something and they don’t answer you can leave a voice mail, and the same goes for them. Also they do not need to take pictures with their phone. This will definitely lead to more problems. If they really want to take pictures you can buy them a camera. There are also phones that come with a lock feature, which will allow you to lock their phone so that they are unable to make phone calls to any number another than yours. This will also help to keep your bill low.
If you choose to allow your child to have all of these features on their phone, then you need to cooperate with the teacher. Since most teachers know that the phones are used to help kids cheat and chat with one another it only makes sense that they do not want them in their classrooms. Instead of arguing with the teacher you can help by showing your support for them. The bottom line is your child needs to be responsible for their actions, and should understand that using their phone to cheat is unacceptable. You should also make it very clear that there will be consequences for this type of behavior.