Children’s Halloween Costumes that Look Handmade and Have Style

What do you put on your child for Halloween? Parent’s magazine (October issue) has costumes sure to please the most finicky child and adoring parent.

Target offers the cutest witch costume. The hat has an orange mesh band , a line skirt and orange stitching on the shirt. The sleeves have transparent material. A cute bow is below the neckline. This is located on page 164 of parent’s magazine. Add your own shoes.

Costume express offers great apparel for Halloween. I particularly like the mermaid costume, it has a green mesh scaly appearance. The fins are of a light blue transparent material. The tiara adorning the head, is blue and purple and so is the choker.

Ahoy Mate These pirate cosumes from Costume Express are really cute. One has a bandanna and ruffles at the neck. The other consists of a hat with the traditional cross bones, jacket and black pants. The sash is also included.
The website is www.costumeexpresss.

How about a pumpkin, chick and butterfly. The pumpkin and chick are for infants. There is a head hole in each. The pumpkin costume has a little root on and leaves on the head and the chick has a beak above the head hole. Simply too cute for words. The butterfly is for an older child. It has polka dots allover and red and white wings. The chick is from the store, the Children’s Place (, the pumpkin is from Target ( and the butterfly from Tom Arma (

Medieval Cuties coming to a street near you. Both are from Halloween Express, The little lady wears a light blue band. Netting is on the sleeves and the skirt looks like babyblue satin. The knight has a black hood and smock. A coat of arms decorated the chest area. It is of a lion and is done in red and white.

Your little one will look great in these historical costumes. The Marie Antoinette costume includes a very adorable bond wig and long pink frilly costume with flounce long sleeves at the elbow. The musketeer coxtume has a black wig and with a wide brimmed hat with a puritan styles costume. The site to find these costumes is at

The princess in your life will love this royal midevil costume all in pink . It consists of a satin material and netting on the sleeves. This can be found at

A chicken may be in your future. This costume complete with red come and white feathers as well as yellow feet is just the cutest. This is offered by www.costumeexpress.

Your toddler will love these costumes: A monkey, complete with ears and brown fur as well as tail. offers this costume. The orange tiger by Baby Gap,, is all orange with little orange ears. You’ll love the tiger costume by It is white with black stripes..

These costumes have a lot of style. But do not look cheaply made.
Also they let a child look like a child .

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