Chillin Out and Gittin About!

Well, folks its about time for dawg daze, so I gotta lay on ya a little poem I came up with for a contest.

Dawg Daze

What winter is to logs, August is to dogs
They both just sit and get hot!

But what works for the log, won’t do for the dog,
He’ll just bite yer hand if you poke him!

(Needs an illustrator, hint, hint)

That outta my sytem, my attention is drawn to thoughts of Memphis heat, and how ya get along in it. Check yer black book for friends/family that has a pool. And most of em spell that ool, cause there’s no P in in it, and they like it that way, if you get my drift.

In Memphis, it isn’t the heat, it’s the stupidity, and if you are ever out in traffic, stuck in a group on an expressway that’s’ not moving, and there’s NO reason to be stopped, you have just happened upon a substance called Memphis Molasses. It IS the stupidity!

We Memphians can’t seem to move right along, just cause things get tight and close up. There’s not nearly enough Freon handy to keep this place ENTIRELY comfy! Those of us that have a handy body of water to drop or ooze into, do so. The rest of us have to settle for garden hoses and air conditioners, if we have em.

Some of us go visit with Chris or, on Saturdays, Bill Bruce over at Rooke Sails on South Prescott and check out the slow moving watercraft at Rooke Sails, of which Chris has a lot full. If our wallets aren’t quite that full, we have to make do. (and Chris, I prefer commissions in CASH!)

Actually, if you have a vessel and its NOT motorized, you can launch at Shelby Farms’ Patriot Lake. I see Hobies and wind surfers on it occasionally. If you have a trace amount of cash, you can paddle around on water bikes and such that they rent there.

If your watercraft has some VROOM! to it, there’s McKellar Lake on the southwest corner, Ole Man River on the west, and several bodies further out, in virtually all directions. Y’all putcha life jackets on, ya heah!

The city, having put all fun to a complete stop, has finally opened city pools. So, sign up, walk in slowly and carefully and mind the lifeguards. Liability insurance has already maxed out with two drowninings, so they’re johnny on the spot if they hear HELP! So MEAN it if ya say it, Ya Heah!

I keep waiting for someone have a bodacious beach by their body of water, so we can have a sand sculpture contest like they have down at Edgewater Mall in Biloxi around 4th of July. It’s so cool! But Maywood heard the call of the taxman and the real estate developer and shut HIS beach down. So much for that idea.

I was raised with a boat and and engine under me most of the time, but, alas, that all got expensive, and, in short order, sold, so I, too, comb the horizon for an ool. There are some to be had, but can’t tell where they are.
Like my friends to actually WANT me around, so that’s a private list.

There ARE some options for chillin out, tho. Exxon, Sonic and a handul of other drop by’s have deals on their chill eats and drinks, so stop by there.
As for getting the whole body wet, go find a fountain somewhere, while I think somethin else up. Keep it cool, Memphis! Its only 45 days to the first kickoff of the football season, I see by the UT Sports website, so THERE’s somethin to look forward to! Ciao!

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