Chinese Face Reading: The Jaw and What it Means

The jaw as indicated in the following text is the area right underneath the ears, and does not extend to the chin. In Chinese face reading the jaw is representative of the luck trend from age 74 to 75.

Bone Jaw
In this type of jaw, the bone can be seen pointing out from the back of the head. From the front it can extend a little outward from beneath the ears. This type of jaw is usually not a good sign. People with this type of jaw is extremely driven, and they are less likely to care who they step on to get to their goals. Even if it’s friends or family, they are ruthless when it comes to something they want.

Uneven Jaw
An uneven jaw is where the shape and outline of the jaw is dissimilar on the right and left side. People with these jaws are emotionally extreme. One minute they can be screaming at you, and the next they are speaking softly at your side. For this type of people, one must remember to think about the good times as well as the bad.

Even Jaw
The shape of the jaw usually stabilizes around the age of 20. The bones of an even jaw are not exposed or pointed; it is evenly distributed with the shape of the face. A person with this type of jaw will be more conciliatory, they are willing to negotiate to the point where everyone gets to benefit from a decision.

The most obvious jaw is the bone jaw, and it is the one that is most ingrained in Chinese culture. Elderly people often warn their progeny about dealing with people who have bone jaws. Whether the youngsters take it into consideration is another case entirely.

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