Choose the Perfect Father’s Day Gift for the Perfect Dad: Seven Success-Story Selections!

As an unabashed I-love-to-shop virtuoso, I enjoy the challenge. Want some help with your search for the ideal gift for your dad this June 18th? My top choices include:
1) If you have a generous budget and a dad who loves the ceremony of sipping tequila, check out the $200 Cielo Tequila Fantasy Case. Delivered in a locked metal attachÃ?© case reminiscent of Mission Impossible, this gift includes three bottles of the very best tequila. Cielo’s Anejo, Blanco and Reposado tequilas come from agave grown only in the Jalisco region of Mexico. They are then aged up to four years in small oak barrels. For more information, visit
2) Let’s go to the moviesâÂ?¦with the newest action-packed DVDs! Buy a box of fancy gourmet popcorn, and package it with a selection of the latest DVDs and a card that entitles the recipient to three evenings of couch-potato-movie viewing pleasure. Recommendations:
a) Syriana (DVD). This action adventure flick stars, among others, the inimitable George Clooney, Matt Damon, William Hurt, and Christopher Plummer. Share the excitement with Dad as you vicariously travel from Washington to Houston to the Mideast.
b) Firewall: Harrison Ford always delivers a hard-hitting performance, and this thriller is no exception. Ford stars as a bank security expert who, when his family is kidnapped by a criminal, must play a potentially deadly game of mastermind with a thief.
c) Kiss Kiss Bang Bang: Combining humor with adventure, this vehicle features Robert Downey Jr. amid a murder investigation. Toss in his dream date from high school days and a detective played by Val Kilmer, and you’ve got a movie that will entertain both you and Dad.
For purchasing info, including pre-ordering soon-to-be released titles, go to the Warner Brothers Web site:
3) Does your father complain about his aching back? Change his discomfort to comfort with the Conair Sqweez Massaging Pillow. This dynamic device contains little microbeads and can mold to your position. At home, at the office, or even in the car, the massaging pillow is battery-operated. Tip: be sure to include the required four AA batteries so Dad can try it out right away! Available from
4) The latest trend for men? Anti-aging products. If you have a father who worries about his frown lines or wrinkles and has wished out loud for a Botox treatment, wrap up Frownies Facial Pads or Immune Perfect to make his Father’s Day more picture-perfect! Frownies facial pads offer a soothing sensation after shaving, in addition to helping the skin to look and feel younger. The Immune Perfect Cream reduces fine lines and wrinkles. Both are available at various health food stores or online at
5) If your father has a sweet tooth but is trying to eat more healthy food, skip the box of chocolates and treat him to a deluxe selection of dried fruit from the aptly named The Dried Fruit Round Basket consists of a pound of chewy, naturally sweet dried fruits such as apricots and pears. Choose from a variety of tasty gifts by visiting Delightful Deliveries:
6) What if Dad’s an action guy? He’ll love you even more (if that’s possible!) if you get him one of the new stay-cooler-longer T-shirts from XGO products Whether your father likes to hike, bike, or play golf, these T-shirts are amazingly comfortable and dry in the blink of an eye. Check out the options at the Xgo Web site or ask for details at your local outdoor store:
7) If your budget is running on near-empty (not surprising, considering the price of gas these days!), check out the wonderfully named Dancing Bull wines. Whether your dad likes Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, or Merlot, these economically priced bottles are available nationwide and typically priced under $10. Toss in a new CD from Dad’s favorite musician and you’ll have him dancin’ to the music on his special day!