Choosing Godparents for Your Children

Upon the birth of a child, parents experience a whirlwind of emotions. Despite months of planning for the arrival, parents are never truly prepared for the changes that occur. Adjusting to life with a new baby is challenging – but doable. Parents have the responsibility to care for their children’s well-being. This includes their emotional, physical, and material needs. However, in the event that both parents are unable to fulfill this role, who becomes responsible for the children?

Unfortunately, because of unforeseen events, some parents will pass away prior to their children becoming adults. Death is an uncomfortable topic. Thus, people are inclined to avoid discussing their final wishes. Yet, if you have young children, planning for your untimely death is essential. When arrangements are not made in advance, the likelihood of siblings becoming separated is higher. Moreover, some children become caught in the middle of a tug-of-war. Losing a parent is a traumatic experience. However, you can make the adjustment period a little easier by choosing a godparent beforehand.

Role of a Godparent

Godparents have one significant role. This involves caring for the children if their parents were to suddenly pass away. Many person’s may fulfill this role. Traditionally, parents choose a relative, perhaps an aunt/uncle or grandparent. However, a godparent may also be a close friend of the family.

Although godparents agree to accept the responsibility of caring for the children, parents must state their wishes in a will. Sadly, many parents arrange for their children’s care, and then fail to include their wishes in a legal document. When this happens, family members may fight over who should gain custody of the children. This can be easily avoided by contacting a lawyer and creating a living will.

How to Choose a Godparent?

For some parents, choosing a godparent is simple. Most parents already have a person in mind. Still, a few factors need to be considered when choosing a godparent. This is a big decision. So, it is essential to take your time and carefully evaluate each candidate’s circumstances. If possible, select a couple or person with a stable background, both financially and emotionally. To help a godparent care for your children, parents should obtain an insurance policy.

Think About Religious Background. If parents are spiritual people, and prefer their children to be raised in a particular faith, it may be beneficial to choose a person that shares a similar religious background. For example, if you have a solid faith in Christianity, it may be unwise to choose an atheist aunt and uncle to care for your children, and vice versa.

Should You Use a Family Member. It is not mandatory to designate a family member as a godparent. However, there are certain advantages to doing so. To begin, if the godparent is a relative, the children will be surrounded by family on holidays, special occasions, vacations, etc. This way, they remain connected to the family. If a friend agrees to act as a godparent, parents run the risk of their children losing regular contact with the family.

Inform the Godparent of their Role. Although most people understand the role of the godparents, parents should ensure that those agreeing to be a godparent fully comprehend the role. As a part of Christianity, godparents accompany the parents during the baby’s baptism. Some people make think that the role stops here. To avoid any misunderstanding, parents should discuss a godparent’s primary role, which is to become the children’s legal guardian upon their sudden death.

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