Choosing a Fire Pit for Your Patio

Everyone loves the warmth and glow of a fire. A patio fire pit is great for a party or a romantic dinner for two. When looking for an outdoor fireplace for your patio, their are many options to consider. Two of the most popular types of outdoor fireplaces are the Chimnea or a bowl type fire pit.


A Chimnea is a very popular portable outdoor fireplace that is typically made of terra-cotta but is also being made in decorative finishes such as steel and copper. Chimneas are typically used to burn wood but can be equipped with gas logs as well. Chimneas can be found at most home improvement stores. A Chimnea needs to be “cured” before use in order to insure a long life and safe burning. Their are several accessories available that can be added to a Chimnea to improve safety as well as aesthetics. Spark screens and a fireproof mat are imperative if using the Chimnea on a wooden deck or patio.

Fire Pits

Fire pits are traditionally metal and come in a variety of finishes and decorative designs. Some fire pits are as simple as a bowl with legs while others are enclosed with glass or screens. Fire pits were traditionally just for burning a few pieces of small wood but they can now be fitted with alternative fuel sources such as gas, gel alcohol or charcoal.

When looking for a fire pit for your home patio, it is important to look for a fire pit that sits relatively low to the ground and has legs that provide a great deal of stability. A fire pit that is not secure is an extreme danger. The fire pit should also have a fire screen that protects from flying sparks.

Before purchasing an outdoor fireplace for your home, it is best to check with your local fire department to see what outdoor fire codes are for your area. It is also a good idea to have a water source such as an outdoor tap located close to the fire pit in case of emergency.

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