Choosing an Animal Hospital in New York City

Knowing what to look for in an animal hospital’s examinations room and surgery area is important. Start with how clean are these two areas. Work surfaces should be clean and sterile. Definitely take a quick peek directly underneath the edges of tables. Check underneath tables and work surfaces. The floor should be free of pet hair and any debris. Instruments should be clean and put away. Sanitary conditions are just as important for your pet as for you during medical procedures.
Are the examination room and surgical areas organized? While you may not have an idea if where things should go, you can definitely tell if like items are grouped together. Organization is key while taking care of the health of a pet, especially in an emergency. The veterinarian will need to have access to specific key tools and surgical aids during surgeries and medical treatments. Disorganization can lead to many problems such as timing and sanitation.
How does the animal hospital smell? Particularly check out operating rooms and examining rooms. The waiting room can be an indicator, but that is not where the actual medical care will take place. A bad smell, beyond the usual smells associated with pets, is a sign that something is not right. Mishandling of animal bodily fluids can crate an unhealthy environment for both you and your pet.
Is there a viewing window where you can watch the operating procedures of other animals or even your own animal during surgery or medical treatment? This may not be too common in most animal hospitals, but you can always ask. In a city as large as New York you are more likely to find this as an option. Local students will often take advantage of these options as well.
Keeping these key points in mind while you tour an animal hospital is a great way to help you keep your thoughts organized. Keep a checklist of all of these features of local New York animal hospitals and you can make an educated decision on which animal hospital is suitable for your family pet. Here are a few local animal hospitals to help you get started on your search.
Tribecca SoHo Animal Hospital is located at 5 Lispenard Street, New York, New York, 10013. They can be reached at (212) 925-6100.
Cooper Square Veterinary Hospital PC is located at 211 East 5 At Bowery, New York, New York, 10292. They can be reached at (212) 777-2630.
Home Care Veterinary is located at 27 West 86th Transverse Road, New York, New York, 10292. They can be reached at (212) 875-2414.