Choosing and Using Drywall Anchors

Tap-in expanding drywall anchors are the easiest drywall anchors to use. Unfortunately, this type of drywall anchor is only suitable for very light loads, such as small picture frames. Installation is very simple, just use a hammer to gently insert the tap-in expanding drywall anchor into the wall. Continue until the top of the tap-in expanding anchor is flush with the wall. Once the drywall anchor is inserted complete instillation by driving a screw into the flange hole.
Expanding plastic sleeve anchors are not the best drywall anchor for drywall, although they can be used. The sleeve of these particular drywall anchor does not expand as well as other types, making it more difficult to support itself in drywall. Expanding plastic sleeve anchors are used for light loads in drywall, although they can be used for heavier loads in other materials, such as plaster and masonry.
To install you must pre-drill a hole for the drywall anchor. Make sure the hole is slightly smaller than the drywall anchor being used. Tap the drywall anchor in with a hammer or mallet until the flange of the anchor meets the wall. Insert the corresponding screw into the drywall anchor to finish the installation.
Toggle bolts are used for heavier loads than other types of anchors. They are the best solution if you must hang a heavy item without a stud. Metal toggle bolts can hold a heavier load than plastic toggle bolts.
Installing this type of drywall anchor requires pre-drilling a hole to accommodate the toggle bolt. Once the toggle is inserted, tighten the toggle bolt. This type of drywall anchor is difficult to install and the toggle does not always appropriately grip the wall. Make sure that the toggle bolt is secure before hanging.
Molly bolts can also be used for heavy and medium loads. If this type of drywall anchor is pointed on one end it can be hammered into place without pre-drilling a hole. If it is not a pointed molly bolt, be sure to drill a pilot hole. After the molly bolt is inserted into the drywall, turn the screw to help set the molly bolt into the drywall. Next, unscrew the bolt and situate the item that needs to be hung before replacing the bolt to support it.
By taking the time to choose the proper drywall anchor you can properly display your prized possessions without fear. As with any hanging method, be sure to experiment with different hanging arrangements before creating any holes. An electronic level can also be invaluable in making sure that your items are hung level the first time.