Choosing the Best Netflix Subscription

Renting movies is a common pursuit for most of us, and today’s blockbuster hits are usually easy to obtain from your local video store. However, with the trend of online services available, Netflix offers complete packages of services that are hard to compete with. With the incentive of ‘no late fees,’ and an easy return-by-mail process, Netflix can and does deliver great movies right to your door.

It starts at the Netflix website, where users sign up for their best subscription. Each package offers the service of varying levels of movies ‘checked out’ at one time. The easy-to-navigate website, along with a simple ‘scrolling over’ capability on each movie title helps you to identify, select, and even rate each movie. Gone are the days when reading the back of DVD or video covers was considered the norm in your selection process! With Netflix, your mouse needs to just hover over the title, and you can read a full description, along with customer reviews and instant ratings.

The interface is simple to use, and as you choose your movie, you are given the additional incentive of similar titles. Catalogued by genre, release date, popularity, or subject, your movie ‘Queue’ can be maintained and updated as much as you need it! Netflix recently announced the launch of sharing your Queue with friends or family members. This then enables many users to see what you are watching, your recommendations, and what you may have coming in the future. It’ a great way to network, find new titles, and see what is available.

The ‘No Late Fee’ incentive is easy to understand; depending on your subscription type, you can only rent a new movie when you return an old one. In order to return it, simply pop it into the mail inside a sleeve with a prepaid envelope provided. It’s easy, efficient, and the mail goes out to the nearest Netflix distribution center from your city. Since its inception, Netflix has grown considerably and is able to offer closer outlets to metro cities; this makes the return and rental process much faster, easier, and efficient than its initial launch.

Since Netflix stays so current with New Releases, it also has the capability of letting you know of upcoming release dates of movies currently playing at your theatre. The local section gives users a listing of the most popular searches, requests, and rentals in your zip code; you can find out what your neighbors and friends are watching at any given time.

Finding the best subscription that suit your needs and lifestyle is probably the most difficult part. Netflix offers packaging ranging in price from $5.99-$23.99 per month. The most popular is their 3 DVDs at-a-time subscription for $17.99; this lets you rent out and rotate three movies each ’round’ at an unlimited rate each month. Other packages include the $5.99 1 DVD at-a-time subscription, but you can only rotate 2 times per month. A breakdown of the services offered by Netflix, in order of ‘best value’:

#1: 3 DVDs at-a-time, unlimited rotation, $17.99/mo.
#2: 2 DVDS at-a-time, unlimited rotation, $14.99/mo.
#3: 4 DVDs at-a-time, unlimited rotation, $23.99/mo.
#4: 2 DVDs at-a-time, limit 4 rotations per month, $11.99/mo.
#5: 1 DVD at-a-time, unlimited rotation, $9.99/mo.
#6: 1 DVD at-a-time, limit 2 rotations per month, $5.99/mo.

The “Unlimited” options are most likely the best value for your money; depending on your movie-watching rate, needs, and lifestyle, you can enjoy from 1-4 movies each round without the hassle of returning each one by a specific due date. The Netflix selection holds an impressive 60,000+ titles; it’s rare that you won’t find something you’re looking for, and Netflix will even update you when a tentative title may be released. The ‘ultimate’ movie-watcher will of course enjoy the 4 DVDs at-a-time package, but it won’t be worth the trouble if you don’t get at least 3-4 rotations into each month!

The value of Netflix is great for people who enjoy watching movies on an as-needed basis, and who don’t care for returning movies immediately after watching them. With Netflix, you can hold on to your favorite movie for a ‘re-watch’ whenever you would like, and incur no charges whatsoever. The unlimited rotation option gives you flexibility to try all sorts of genres, styles, and releases without wasting your money; if you don’t like it, simply send it back the next day and receive your next title in your Queue!

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