Choosing the Right Direct Sales Company for You

With hundreds, if not thousands, of direct sales companies out there for you to choose from, it can be overwhelming when you’re first starting out. There are a lot of questions you should ask before investing either your time or money with any company.

How to Get Started

Choose only the companies and/or products that really catch your eye. This is going to be your career, or at the very least a hopefully lucrative side-line for you, for a long time. Pick something that you are passionate about. Ask yourself if you’d buy the products if you weren’t selling them. If the answer is no, don’t do it!

If at all possible, try out the products as a customer first before signing any consultant agreements.

Take your time deciding. Think long-term. This is going to be your business that you’re building. If it’s a legitimate opportunity, it will not disappear overnight. If your “sponsor” or “up-line” is very high pressure and wants you to sign right away, think twice about it. Some people just have that personality because they’re so excited about what they’re doing, don’t dismiss them just because of that. Just let it raise a “red-flag” about the opportunity, or at the very least, that representative.

Ask questions. Make sure they all get answered completely and to your satisfaction! Ask about the company, its leadership, the products or services, start-up fees, realistic costs of doing business (are there any hidden fees?), average earnings of distributors or representatives, return policies, any “objectionable” products it might sell other than the ones that attracted you to it in the first place, and anything else you can think of or are concerned about. If the person trying to recruit you doesn’t directly answer these questions to your satisfaction, a red flag should go up.

Get copies of any and all company literature used for recruiting and to pass out to customers. Read all of it! Take notes. Ask questions.

Talk to others about the company and its products. Find out from others what general feedback is about the company. Red Flag: Make sure that there are actual goods being sold to customers! If you can’t “track down” the actual goods that are supposed to be changing hands, it is most likely a pyramid scheme.

Investigate and verify all information you come across about the company. Don’t assume that because a company has a “glossy” brochure or catalog that they’re legitimate.

If you need help evaluating a company, you can check with the Federal Trade Commission (, the Direct Selling Association (, the Better Business Bureau, state attorney general, or your local consumer protection office.

Direct Sales Companies

The following is a list of Direct Sales Companies. This is not a complete list!!!

PLEASE NOTE: If you are a part of or know of one that I’ve missed, please email me (address at bottom of article). I update my articles periodically and like to keep on top of these things!

4Life Research

A Better Universe
ACN, Inc.
AdvoCare International, LP
Aerus Electrolux LLC
Alfa Pet Products
Amazon Herb Company
American Home
AMS Health Sciences, Inc.
Amway International
Arbonne International, Inc.
Artistic Impressions, Inc.
Assured Nutrition Plus, Inc.
At Home America
Avalar Real Estate & Mortgage Network
Avon Products, Inc.
Azante Jewelry

Big Enough, Inc.
Big Planet (division of Nu Skin Enterprises)
Binney & Smith
Bittersweet Candles
Body & Soul Elements
(The) Body Shop at Home
Body Wise International, Inc.
Bright Minds – The Critical Thinking Company at Home
Brown Bag Gourmet

Callie’s Fashion Jewelry
CandleWreath International
Celebrations by Lillian Vernon
Charmelle Jewelry
Cherish Designs
Chic Pursenality
Claire Grace Gifts
Claudia Jean
Close To My Heart
Coffee by Candlelight
Coffee Fair
(The) Comforts of Home
Conklin Company, Inc.
Cookie Lee Jewelry
Country Bunny Bath & Body
Creative Memories
CUTCO/Vector Marketing Corporation

Daisy Blue Naturals
Dan’s Chocolates
Demarle at Home, Inc.
Destinations by Mava D.
DeTech, Inc.
Discovery Toys
Do-Re-Me & You!
Doll Gallery
Dream Impressions
Dudley Products, Inc.

Echo Candle Company
EcoQuest International
Elements Home Spa
Enchanted Potions
Enchanting Scents Designs
ENJO California, LLC, Inc.
Essentially Yours Industries, Inc.
Etherea Aromatics
Excel Communications

F.A.I.T.H. Company
Fantasy Lady
Fantasy World
Fifth Avenue Collection
For Your Pleasure
ForYou, Inc.
(The) Fragrant Lemon Peel
FreeLife International
(The) Fuller Brush Company
Funky Diva Shop
(The) Furnished Garden

Gabby Goodies
Gano Excel
GemCap Equity Management, Inc.
(The) Gift Shack
(The) Glass Bracelet
Global Health Trax
Global Online Systems
GNLD International
Gold Canyon Candles, LLC
Goldshield Elite
Good Books & Company, LLC
(The) Good Nature Company
Gourmet To Go
(The) Greeting Cake Company

Harvest Home Candles
Health-Mor (an HMI Industries Inc. Company)
Healthy Pet Net
Heartfelt Gifts & Gourmet
Heavenly Sweets
Herbalife International of America, Inc.
Highlights-Jigsaw Toy Factory, Ltd.
Home & Garden Party
Home Interiors & Gifts, Inc.
Homemade Gourmet, Inc.
(The) Homemaker’s Idea Company
Hsin Ten Enterprise USA, Inc.
Hy Cite Corporation

I Luv My Pet
I Remember When
Innovage (formerly DS-MAX)
Inspired Aroma, Inc.
Integris Global, LP
Isagenix International

Jafra Cosmetics International, Inc.
Jewels by Park Lane
Jockey Person to Person
Joielle Fine Jewelry
Just Add Guests

*Kat’s Coffees & More* (please see my sales site at
Kingdom Treasures
(The) Kirby Company
Kitchen Fair (Regal Ware, Inc.)

L’Bri Pure N’ Natural
Lady Emily Natural Bath & Body Products
Lady Remington Jewelry
Latasia & Company
Leaving Prints
Lexxus International, Inc.
Lia Sophia Jewelry
Life Force International
LifeMist Home Products, LLC
Linen World
Living Scriptures, Inc.
(The) Longaberger Company
Longevity Network, Ltd.
LRL Books by You

Mama’s Shoppe
Mannatech, Inc.
Market America, Inc.
Mary Kay Cosmetics
Meg’s Gourmet & More
Megan’s Pantry
Melaleuca, Inc.
Mia Bella Soy Candles
Milano Direct
Misty Valley Botanicals
Misu Design Jewelry
Mother Nature Spa
Mother of Eden
My Magic Memories
My Precious Kid
Mystical Sensations

National Companies, Inc.
Nature’s Own
Nature’s Paws
Nefful U.S.A., Inc.
New Vision USA, Inc.
Nexx, LLC
Nice Custom Jewelry
Nikken, Inc.
Noevir USA, Inc.
Northern Lights at Home
Nouveau Cosmeceuticals, LLC
Nu Skin Enterprises
Nu-Med, Inc.
NutriHealth USA

Oasis LifeSciences
October Trading Pearls
Once Upon a Family
Oriflame U.S.A.
Our Own Image
Oxyfresh Worldwide, Inc.

P. S. I Love You
(The) Pampered Chef
Pampering U
PartyLite Gifts, Inc.
Passion Parties
Personality Scents
Petra Fashions, Inc.
Pharmanex (division of Nu Skin Enterprises)
Picture Perfect Scrapbooking Company
Pola, Inc.
Premier Designs Jewelry
Pre-paid Legal Services, Inc.
Primerica Financial Services
Princess House, Inc.
Pro Monde Travel
Purely Gourmet LLC

Quiet Places
Quixtar, Inc.

Ravenwood Aromatherapy
Regal Ware, Inc.
Reliv International Inc.
Rena Ware International, Inc.
Rexair, Inc.
Richmont Direct
Royal BodyCare, Inc.

Saladmaster, Inc. (Regal Ware, Inc.)
Salt City Candles
(A) Sandy Clough Tea
Sarah Coventry Fashion Jewelry
SaVi Fashions
Scrap Booking
Seaborne, LLC
Seasilver USA
Self Indulgence
SeneGence Cosmetics
Sensaria Natural Bodycare, Inc.
Shaklee Corporation
Share the Wealth
Sherry’s Baskets
Shopping in the South
Shure Pets, Inc.
Silpada Designs (jewelry)
Simply Delicious Gourmet
SMC Specialty Merchandise Corp.
Southern Delites
Southern Living at Home
(The) Southwestern Company
Spa Destinations
Spa Girl Parties
Sportron International, Inc.
Stampin’ Up!
Stamping Supplies
Stanley Home Products
Staying Home & Loving It
(The) Story Teller
Suds ‘N More
Sunrider International
Sweet Berry Fields
Swiss Skin Care Products
Symmetry Corporation

Tahitian Noni International
Take Shape for Life, Inc. (MediFast)
Tanner Companies, LLC
Tarrah Cosmetics, Inc.
Taste of Gourmet
Tastefully Simple, Inc.
Tealightful Treasures
Three Girls Who
Tianshi Health Products, Inc.
Time to Celebrate
Tina’s Goodies
Tomboy Tools, Inc.
Tomorrow’s Treasures/Memory Bank
Top Line Creations
(The) Traveling Vineyard
Trim International
Tristar Enterprises, LLC
Tupperware Corporation
Two Sisters Gourmet

U.S. Safety & Engineering Corporation
Unicity International, Inc.
Unique Baby Boutique, Inc.
USANA Health Sciences, Inc.
Usborne Books at Home

Vantel Pearls in the Oyster
Vision for Life International
Vita Craft Corporation
Viviane Woodard
Vorwerk USA Co., L.P.

Warm Spirit, Inc.
Watkins International
We Make Perfect Scents
Weekenders USA, Inc.
(The) Wellness Company
Wild Tree Herbs, Inc.
Wine Shop at Home
World Book, Inc.


Yankee Candles
Yoffi Fine Jewelry
Your Affordable Gifts, Inc.
Yves Rocher Direct Selling

ZEDORA� Italian Jewelry
Zermat International

Once You’ve Decided on a Company, Make Sure YouâÂ?¦

âÂ?¢ Know all of the guidelines of the companies you’re interested in (where you can advertise, who and how you can recruit, the commission percentages, etc.)

âÂ?¢ Have the time needed to “work” the business.

� Have the money/bartering tools needed to advertise your business and to purchase products/supplies.

� Are comfortable with both the commission structure and the payment schedule.

âÂ?¢ Can stand behind the company’s policies, procedures, regulations and philosophy.

� Understand what is expected of you as a company representative (behaviors, wardrobe, quotas, etc.).

� Use the products/services for everyone to see. You are your own best advertisement.

âÂ?¢ Don’t mind talking to strangers, in passing, with the intent of handing out your business card.

� Enjoy hosting or demonstrating at parties for your products, if this is required by the company.

� Feel comfortable and are knowledgeable discussing the products/services with customers and potential recruits.

âÂ?¢ “Click” with your up-line and they’re available to answer any questions and guide your success.

When first starting out in direct sales, you may have to “try on” a few different companies to find the one that’s your “perfect match.” Make sure you’re comfortable with every aspect of how the company is run, how the other reps interact, how customers are treated, and the integrity of the product or service you’ll be selling.

Once you’ve found your perfect company, promote it whole-heartedly. Let everyone in your family know that you’re in this new company and where they can purchase the products that they’re sampling/smelling/seeing all the time at your house! Have fun with your new endeavor!

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