Choosing the Right Mommy and Me Group

Making the transition from working girl to stay at home mom is both exciting and scary at the same time. It’s easy to grow isolated since most of your old support group is still working from nine to five. Joining a Mommy and Me group is an essential first step towards meeting other moms in your neighborhood and securing future playmates for your child. Mommy and Me type groups offer fun and activities for both the mom and the children and are great places to find support, friendship, exercise, information and more.

A variety of different Mommy and Me type groups exist and with a little effort, you’re sure to find the perfect fit. Think about what you are looking for in a moms group and whether you want a formal class or a less formal setting.

Most cities offer some sort of a regular parent/child activity through their parks and recreation department for a nominal fee. Mommy and Me yoga classes and stroller exercise programs are also popular but the weekly price of attending may be out of budget for some moms. Church groups and neighborhood homeowners associations often host small Moms groups.

Another option is to join a local chapter of a formal organization such as MOMS Club, Mothers and More or Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS). These groups have local chapters all across the nation and the globe. Annual membership dues are quite low, usually between $20-$30 per year. These moms groups offer support, friendship, activities, playgroups, field trips, philanthropy and more.

When looking at Mommy and Me groups such as these, it’s important to note their differences. For example, MOPS is a faith based Christian organization which won’t be suitable for everyone. Check each organization’s website to see if their philosophy matches your own. If it does, find the link for a local chapter and contact the chapter’s membership coordinator. Ask if you can attend a meeting or an activity to see if the club is a good fit.

If you have several choices of clubs, check out a few. Look for a group with kids in the same age range as your own, outgoing and friendly moms, an activity filled calendar and anything else that is important to you.

Once you’ve joined, whether it’s a Mommy and Me class, a formal Moms club or just a gathering of neighborhood moms, jump right in and get involved. You’ll be glad you did.

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