Choosing the Sex of Your Baby

The topic of choosing the sex of your baby has been of interest to many people. I myself have been interested in conceiving a boy. To learn more on this topic, I read the book “How to Choose the Sex of Your Baby” by Landrum B. Shettles. This book was informative and very easy to understand. Because of the success I have attained from this book, I have decided that a review of this book shall be in order to help others in my situation.

People have various reasons for wanting to have a child of a certain sex. There can be medical or genetic reasons. Or, some people may have had several girls and would now like to have a boy. Whatever the reasons are, Dr. Landrum B. Shettles describes how to do so in this book.

This book begins by describing several medical aspects. First, there are two types of sperm. The “y” sperm which conceives a boy, and the “x” sperm which conceives a girl. Y sperm is very fast swimming, but small and weak. X sperm is slow swimming, but much larger and stronger.

Dr. Shettles describes timing is the key. If you wish to conceive a boy, you must try to conceive within 2 days of ovulation. This is because the egg will already be present so that the fast swimming y sperm can get to it faster. But if you want a girl, you should have intercourse as much as 5 days before ovulation. This is because the y sperm is weak and would have died off before the egg is present. But the strong, slow swimming x sperm can survive this long.

Dr. Shettles then describes how to chart your ovulation schedule and recommends doing this for several months before conception. Dr. Shettles also goes over several other means of adding to the success of conceiving the sex of your choosing. This includes basal body temperature, what types of clothing to wear, and something you can consume to help at your task. To find out what that is, you’re just going to have to read the book!

The book also has a large section depicting why some people just can’t have a child of a certain sex. You must read the book to learn if you fall into any of these categories. There is an awful lot of things that many people are not aware of.

This book was probably the most informative book I have ever read. And, I must say, it worked for me! I was so happy with my results, that I lent out the book to several of my friends who also obtained the results they wanted. Please be forewarned that you really must read this book before you attempt it. All of the information contained within it has been medically proven. There is so much you can learn from it. i recommend it to anyone who has an interest in this topic. I give it my highest ratings.

You can purchase “How to Choose the Sex of Your Baby” by Landrum B. Shettles at any retail bookstore for $13.95

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