Christmas Decoration Ideas for Your Home

Summer is winding down and the granddaddy holiday season of all holiday seasons is just around the corner-Christmas. I find it hard to even type the word, not because I don’t like it, but because I don’t want to be accused of rushing the season. Retailers push us into the ‘spirit’ of the Christmas season far too early to suit my taste and I am only mentioning it now because being a crafter know that Ijmust plan ahead or fail. So here goes…..Christmas will be here soon and I thought that I would share some easy inexpensive decorating ideas.

Cut inexpensive kitchen sponges into desired shapes (ie stars, holly leaves and berries, trees, bells, stars) I usually do stars in gold and silver with twinkle lights around the edge of the window. Use acrylic paint and liquid soap (2-3 ozs paint to 1 teaspoon soap). When the season is over the decoration will wash right off.

Fill a large glass container with glass Christmas balls and/or glass beaded strings. Large clear glass bowls and brady snifters work well for this.

Take down some of your pictures on the walls and wrap them, bows and all, like Cristmas gifts and rehang them.

Save any large cans such as coffee cans, fill with water and freeze. After they are frozen place the can on a towel to keep it from rolling, use an awl and hammer a punch holes in a Christmas design of your choice. After punching and drying out the can spray paint it the color of your choice, place a votive candle inside, lite and enjoy.

If you have your pastas or dried beans on display in your kitchen why not relocate a couple of them for the sesaon and replace them with Christmas candies red and green peppermints work nicely. If you don’t have any jars you can usually find them at thrift stores. Even jars will colored water in a window can be pretty.

If you saved your cards last year and there is one that is extra special why not frame it. Maybe you have more than one that warrent a frame. Check out your local $1 for affordable frames.

Decorate the doorknobs with bows. Maybe even some with bell also, if that doesn’t drive anyone too crazy.

Candy canes in a glass with a bow. Make them extra special with a couple of bobble eyes, a little red pom pom on the nose, a green ribbon bow around the neck and brown pipe cleaner antlers and viola’ you have a bunch Rudolphs for your glass or even for your tree.

Don’t forget the bathroom. Plain soap can be made special with decoupage medium and some simple items cut out from wrapping paper.

Cover a sheet of tag board with foil on both sides. Cover randomly with glue and glitter. Trace and cut out stars. Punch a hole in each on one point and hang from the ceiling with light gauge fishing line. More sparkle and places for the lights of the season the reflect off of.

Just a few ideas to maybe get you thinking about the season that is right around the corner-Christmas.

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