Christmas Gifts for the Book Lover

In my opinion, books are pretty close to perfection when it comes to Christmas gifts. You can give a thoughtful selection that matches up with someone’s personality or, you can go a little extreme and expose a person to something that might be slightly outside a person’s comfort zone. Either way, that person will be happy because you thought enough of them to give them a gift and they’ll either really enjoy the book or maybe learn something new or have a great re-gift present at their fingertips. Here are a few suggestions for the book lover on your Christmas shopping list.
When You Are Engulfed In Flames by David Sedaris
Irreverent and When You Are Engulfed In Flames is a chronicle of the authors humorous take on everyday life. Sedaris manages to take what many would consider dull and mundane and make a very funny story out of it. Not only is it entertaining, it’s a good way for would be writers to look for the inspiration that comes their way each and every day.
Ulysses by James Joyce
Joyce took the stream of consciousness concept to new heights with this brilliant and difficult work. Double entendres, dark humor and eroticism are part and parcel of this tale of some Dubliners activities on an Irish day in June. It’s not for everyone but, the ones who take on this masterpiece are rewarded for the rest of their lives as it’s not the kind of book one only reads once.
David and Goliath by Malcom Gladwell
An interesting take on how we perceive power and those who supposedly have it and how underdogs end up with the upper hand more often than we think. Gladwell’s unique talent of looking at things from more than one perspective helps to broaden our horizons to see things as they really are.
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Vol I & II by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Doyle created a character that remains a vital part of our culture to this day. The entertaining stories of the single minded Holmes and his unlikely sidekick, Dr. Watson, are as much about human nature and frailties as detective work.
The Elephant Vanishes by Haruki Murakami
This collection of short stories is a good example of Murakami’s ability to make almost other worldly people and events seem somehow real and unreal at the same time. The best part is, it’s hard to put down any of his books once you start reading them.