Christmas Gifts for the Foodie in Your Life

What exactly is a foodie? A foodie is a person who enjoys everything food. I consider myself to be a major foodie. I love to cook, bake, serve the food I make, grow my own fruits and veggies, watch TV shows related to food, read about food, and learn about food. Most foodies are like me and even though we enjoy so much that is food related, it can be hard to shop for us. Here are ten can’t miss Christmas gift ideas for the foodie in your life.

1. Gift Basket: This is probably the easiest Christmas gift idea for foodies. There are several options when making gift baskets for foodies:

2. Gadgets: Some foodies may just be starting their obsession and this Christmas is the perfect time to make them a gift basket filled with lots of useful gadgets. You could include gadgets such as an electric can opener, a microplane, kitchen shears, a pepper mill, a pizza stone, etc.

3. Baking: Some people are very passionate about baking and making a gift basket that revolves around baking is the perfect Christmas gift for your foodie. Include a marble rolling pin, cookie cutters (if your foodie has other passions, find cookie cutters that incorporate that passion, such a football shaped cookie cutter for your football loving foodie), silicone baking cups, a pastry bag, and any other great baking essentials you think your foodie might need. Use a large mixing bowl as the gift basket.

4. Favorite Foods: A great Christmas gift basket for foodies is a gift basket that contains some of their favorite foods. These are the foods they love, but usually don’t have the money to indulge in. For a chocolate lover you could include their favorite chocolates, cocoa, cookies, and coupons for some of their favorite ice creams. You can buy coupons at Ben & Jerry’s website that allow your foodie to get free pints of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. For a foodie that loves spicy food, you could include fancy hot sauces (and trust me there are tons of different ones out there), spicy soft drinks, spicy potato chips, and maybe a membership to the hot sauce of the month club.

5. Cookbooks: Foodies love cookbooks and most watch Food Network and have favorite Food Network stars. Do a quick glance at what cookbooks they have, a few weeks before Christmas, and then find cookbooks by their favorite stars that they don’t have. If you don’t have access to their cookbook collection, simply ask what they think about the new cookbook by such and such. Then work the conversation to your advantage and find out which ones they don’t have and desperately want.

6. DVDs: Your foodie who is a fan of Food Network would love to have DVDs of their favorite Food Network stars for Christmas. That way they can have access to favorite episodes and in some cases can cook right along with their favorite stars.

7. Gift Certificates: Christmas is the time for gift certificates. They’ve become one of the most popular Christmas gifts. Why not treat the foodie in your life to a gift certificate to their favorite restaurant, favorite kitchen supply store, or favorite food supplier (such as Mrs. Fields or Omaha Steaks).

8. Specific Food: All foodies have a passion for a least one very expensive food. This Christmas why not treat your foodie to that special food. Order them that Juniors cheesecake they’ve wanted so badly. Treat them to their favorite cuts of steak by ordering them steaks from Omaha Steaks, which usually has packages that come with different varieties of cuts, including filets, strips, rib eyes, etc.

9. Cooking Classes: Every foodie loves to learn more about food. This Christmas why not treat your foodie to a cooking class. If you are the partner of a foodie, attend the class with them. Showing interest in your partners’ obsessions will get you major brownie points. Cooking classes range from cake decorating to ethnic cooking to bread and everything in-between. Just be sure to pick a class your foodie is interested in.

10. Equipment: Christmas is the perfect time to treat the foodie in your life to an expensive piece of kitchen equipment. All foodies, who cook, yearn for a KitchenAid stand mixer. Other ideas include a bread maker, an ice cream maker, an outdoor grill, or a great set of knives. These Christmas ideas can be expensive, but last a long time.

11. Autographs: Okay so your foodie loves Food Network so why not work your butt off and write all of their favorite Food Network chefs requesting autographs. Explain to them how much your foodie loves their show and how their autograph would make the perfect Christmas gift.

12. Celebrity Chef Restaurants: If you are lucky enough to live in a city that has a restaurant owned by a celebrity chef, why not treat your foodie to a meal at that restaurant this Christmas? If you don’t live in a city that has a celebrity chef restaurant and have money to burn, why not take your foodie on a mini Christmas vacation just to visit that special restaurant?

13. Kitchen DÃ?©cor: Foodies of course spend a lot of time in the kitchen, so why not help make their kitchen more inviting this Christmas? You could buy them everything from decorative kitchen towels, to expensive canisters, to art that involves food and would look great in their kitchen. Foodies shouldn’t be stuck in a boring, white, bland kitchen. Spice up their kitchen this Christmas.

Christmas is a time to show those you love how much they mean to you and presenting your foodie with the perfect Christmas gift will show them how much you care. Remember a gift doesn’t have to be expensive; it just has to show that you put thought into it and cared enough to know what they’d want. One of the best gifts my boyfriend got for Valentine’s Day was two Paula Deen cookbooks, this wasn’t an expensive gift, but it meant the world to me that he knew me enough to know what would make the perfect gift.

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