Clean Up Your Closets and Your Life Will Work

– Hasidic Saying
If it’s August, can September and school and sigh the end of summer travel as us innkeepers live for be far behind. Time to start thinking about cleaning out those closets and getting organized for the fall prime time. I somehow always found pitching and ditching unwanted stuff some how cathartic; especially when it can go to another new home
So, how much fun you can you have giving stuff away you dont need?
items. Let me count the ways
Set up shop at the World’s Longest Yard Sale, August 2-5, along 450 miles of Highway 127 in the southeastern U.S.
2 Or peddle your wares in your own front yard on National Garage Sale Day, August 10.
Attend nationwide clothing exchanges and do-it-yourself alteration workshops.
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Watch as a pile of your favorite old T-shirts is converted into a quilt.And besides Because If They Said It, It’s Probably True
1 “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” -Leonardo da Vinci
2. “Less is more.” -Ludwig Mies van der Rohe – My motto in more ways than one.
3 “Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.” -William Morris
4. “You’ve got to accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative.” -Johnny Mercer
5 “The joy of giving is indeed a pleasure, especially when you get rid of something you don’t want.” -Frank Butler and Frank Cavett, “Going My Way”